Examining Factors of Murobahah Financing Margin Revenue in Indonesian Sharia Banking


  • Ubaedilah Ubaedilah Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami
  • Abdul Aziz Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami




Third-party funds, Bi-7 Day Repo rate, Murabaha margin income


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the BI-7 Day Repo rate and third party funds on the murabahah margin income of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. This research data uses secondary data in the form of the 2016-2020 Islamic commercial bank annual report. The total population used is 6 Islamic commercial banks registered with the Financial Services Authority during the 2016–2020 period. Sampling using purposive sampling technique and data processing using the Eviews 9 application. The results showed that third party funds had a significant positive effect on murabahah margin income. However, the bi – 7 Day repo rate shows a less significant effect


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How to Cite

Ubaedilah, U., & Aziz, A. (2023). Examining Factors of Murobahah Financing Margin Revenue in Indonesian Sharia Banking . Journal of Islamic Economic Scholar, 3(1), 55–62. https://doi.org/10.14421/jies.2022.3.1.55-62


