“Personal Is Political” Kekerasan Seksual: Baseline Study Untuk Rekomendasi Kebijakan
Kekerasan Seksual, Perguruan Tinggi, Personal is Political, Power RelationsAbstract
Fenomena kekerasan seksual yang terjadi di perguruan tinggi marak terjadi meskipun dalam beberapa sebab tidak terpublikasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sejauh mana relasi kuasa dan normalisasi kekerasan seksual di Perguruan Tinggi, serta seberapa jauh “Personal is Political” menjadi fenomena kekerasan seksual di pendidikan tinggi. Penelitian ini juga menyajikan rekomendasi kebijakan bagi lembaga dalam penanganan kekerasan seksual di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode angket dan wawancara secara FGD kepada penyintas maupun civitas akademika lainnya. Hasil dari baseline study menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kekerasan seksual yang terjadi meliputi fisik, verbal, KGBO. Pelaku kekerasan seksual mulai dari mahasiwa, tendik hingga dosen. Personal is Political diindikasikan melalui normalisasi kekerasan seksual bahkan menyalahkan korban. Relasi kuasa (Dosen-Mahasiswa, Senior-Junior, Pegawai-Mahasiswa) menambah lemahnya posisi korban untuk mendapatkan keadilan. Pelaku memanfaatkan otoritas yang ia miliki untuk memanipulasi korban sedemikian rupa sehingga korban sangat takut untuk melawan. Rekomendasi yang ditawarkan meliputi perubahan kebijakan, aksi kolektif, gerakan sosial.
Kata Kunci : Kekerasan Seksual, Perguruan Tinggi, Personal is Political, Power Relations
[The phenomenon of sexual violence occurring in universities is widespread, although for several reasons it is not publicized. This research aims to examine the extent of power relations and the normalization of sexual violence in higher education, as well as the extent to which "Personal is Political" has become a phenomenon of sexual violence in higher education. This research also presents policy recommendations for institutions in handling sexual violence in higher education. This research was conducted using questionnaires and FGD interviews with survivors and other academics. The results of the baseline study show that the forms of sexual violence that occurred included physical, verbal, KGBO. Perpetrators of sexual violence range from students, staff to lecturers. Personal is Political is indicated through the normalization of sexual violence and even blaming the victim. Power relations (Lecturer-Student, Senior-Junior, Employee-Student) increase the weakness of the victim's position in obtaining justice. The perpetrator uses the authority he has to manipulate the victim in such a way that the victim is too afraid to fight back. The recommendations offered include policy changes, collective action, social movements.
Keywords: Sexual Violence, Higher Education, Personal is Political, Power Relation]
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