Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu-ilmu Agama2024-12-13T06:17:41+07:00Trio Yonathan Teja Journal Systems<p align="justify">Aplikasia: Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu-Ilmu Agama (E-ISSN <a href="">2598-2176</a>) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on a university-community research and engagement program to advance theories, researches, and practices related to outreach and community service. Published by LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta biannually in June and December.</p> APLIKASI DIGITAL TRASH MANAGEMENT DI TPS3R GO-SARI DENGAN METODE PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH2024-12-13T05:58:41+07:00Dhina Puspasari Subhan Satria Febriana<p><em>Effective waste management is a challenge for the manager of the Go-Sari Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Waste Processing Station (TPS3R) in Guwosari Sub-district, especially in managing transaction data and waste-related activities. This research aims to develop and implement the Digital Trash Management application to improve the efficiency of waste management in the area. This research applies the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method that actively involves the community in every stage of the research, from identification of needs, application design, to implementation and evaluation. The application development process was carried out using the Waterfall model, which includes needs analysis, system design, development, testing, and implementation. The evaluation results show that this application is able to improve data recording accuracy and save report processing time. Questionnaire results showed a positive response from the community in implementing the application. The active participation of the community plays a significant role in the success of the implementation, especially in validating the application features to suit local needs. This study concludes that technology integration through a participatory approach is effective in supporting sustainable waste management.</em></p> <p><em>====================================</em></p> <p><em>Pengelolaan sampah yang efektif merupakan tantangan bagi pengelola </em><em>Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Reduce-Reuse-Recycle (TPS3R) Go-Sari </em><em>di Kalurahan Guwosari, khususnya dalam pengelolaan data transaksi dan aktivitas terkait sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan aplikasi Digital Trash Management guna meningkatkan efisiensi pengelolaan sampah di kawasan tersebut. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR) yang melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif dalam setiap tahapan penelitian, mulai dari identifikasi kebutuhan, perancangan aplikasi, hingga implementasi dan evaluasi. Adapun proses pengembangan aplikasi dilakukan dengan model Waterfall, yang mencakup analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, pengembangan, pengujian, dan implementasi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini mampu meningkatkan akurasi perekapan data serta menghemat waktu pengolahan laporan. Hasil kuisioner menunjukkan respon positif dari masyarakat dalam implementasi aplikasi. Partisipasi aktif masyarakat berperan signifikan dalam keberhasilan implementasi, terutama dalam memvalidasi fitur aplikasi agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan lokal. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa integrasi teknologi melalui pendekatan partisipatif efektif dalam mendukung pengelolaan sampah berkelanjutan.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) LAYOUT INTEGRATED FARMING KEBUN BUAH EDUWISATA BENDOSARI 2024-10-29T18:22:32+07:00Eulis Yulianti<p><em>Bendosari orchard, which has been transformed into an edu-tourim orchard, is the result of a collaboration between the orchard manager and UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. To complement the educational program in the orchard, integrated farming is made which aims to create an efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural system, and can provide more economic and social benefits for the local community. The creation of a layout for integrated farming in this edu-tourism orchard applies a descriptive method with a sustainable design orientation. Some key aspects of the design include site analysis, precedent study, sustainable principles implementation study, concept, and design creation. The design that will be used as a reference for this development considers aspects of space, circulation aspects, aspects of vegetation and commodities, as well as facilities that accommodate integrated farming systems and edu-tourism aspect. In this integrated farming system, fish pond areas, sheep farms (sheep pens, sheep feed areas, fertilizer making areas, feeding areas as tourist facilities) and of course the existing plantation areas are also designed. There are many advantages and benefits that can be obtained from the implementation of this system, especially when combined with educational activities. </em></p> <p><em>========================================</em></p> <p><em>Kebun buah Bendosari yang bertansformasi menjadi kebun eduwisata adalah hasil dari kerjasama pengelola kebun dengan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Untuk melengkapi program edukasi dalam kebun, dilakukan pembuatan integrated farming yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan sistem pertanian yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan, serta dapat memberikan manfaat ekonomi dan sosial yang lebih bagi masyarakat setempat. Pembuatan layout untuk integrated farming pada kebun buah eduwisata ini menerapkan metode deskriptif dengan berorientasi pada desain yang berkelanjutan. Beberapa aspek kunci dalam perancangan tersebut seperti analisis tapak, studi preseden, studi implementasi prinsip berkelanjutan, konsep, dan pembuatan desain. Desain yang akan digunakan sebagai acuan pembangunan ini mempertimbangkan aspek ruang, aspek sirkulasi, aspek vegetasi dan komoditasnya, serta fasilitas yang mengakomodir sistem integrated farming serta eduwisatanya. Pada sistem integrated farming ini juga didesain area kolam ikan, peternakan domba (kandang domba, area pakan domba, area pembuatan pupuk, area feeding sebagai sarana wisata) dan tentu saja area perkebunan yang memang sudah ada. Banyak keuntungan dan manfaat yang bisa didapatkan dari penerapan sistem ini, terlebih lagi jika dipadukan dengan kegiatan eduwisata. </em></p>2024-11-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) TANAMAN OTOMATIS DENGAN SOLAR PANEL UNTUK MENDUKUNG ENERGI HIJAU BAGI PETANI DI DESA JUMPUT KECAMATAN SUKOSEWU KABUPATEN BOJONEGORO2024-10-03T22:10:51+07:00Eko Wahyu Yusuf DawudYusufdaud20.yd@gmail.comImam Pamujiimampamuji007@gmail.comIkhwan Sifa<p><em>Drought in agricultural lands in Jumput Village, Sukosewu District, Bojonegoro Regency, often occurs due to the lack of sufficient water sources, leading to crop failure. Green energy is now becoming a promising solution to address challenges in agriculture, energy, and the environment. One innovation introduced is an automatic plant watering system powered by solar panels and equipped with soil moisture sensors. To address these issues, a Community Service Program (PKM) was conducted. The PKM method involved several stages, starting with the socialization of the automatic watering technology. Next, technical training was carried out, involving both theoretical and practical sessions where farmers learned to operate the equipment. The evaluation method used pre-test and post-test questionnaires to measure the participants' improvements in knowledge, skills, and confidence. The evaluation results showed significant improvements, with a T-test statistic of 2.33 (p = 0.044) for knowledge and confidence and 4.71 (p = 0.0011) for skills and satisfaction. Participants expressed hope for similar training in the future. Ongoing training and technical support are recommended to ensure effective technology implementation and to increase agricultural productivity in the area.</em></p> <p><em>====================================================</em></p> <p><em>Kekeringan lahan pertanian di Desa Jumput, Kecamatan Sukosewu, Kabupaten Bojonegoro sering terjadi karena tidak adanya sumber air yang cukup memadai. Dampak kekeringan yang terjadi adalah gagal panen. Energi hijau kini menjadi solusi menjanjikan untuk menghadapi tantangan pertanian, energi, dan lingkungan. Salah satu inovasi yang dikenalkan adalah alat penyiram tanaman otomatis berbasis solar panel dan dilengkapi sensor kelembaban tanah. Untuk menjawab beberapa permasalahan terjadi, di lakukan program pengabdian Masyarakat (PKM). Metode PKM dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan, pertama adalah sosialisasi mengenai teknologi alat penyiram otomatis. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pelatihan teknis yang melibatkan teori dan praktik langsung, di mana petani belajar mengoperasikan alat tersebut. Metode evaluasi dilakukan dengan kuisioner pre-test dan post-test untuk mengukur peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kepercayaan diri peserta. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan, dengan uji T-statistik sebesar 2.33 (p = 0.044) untuk pengetahuan dan kepercayaan diri, serta 4.71 (p = 0.0011) untuk keterampilan dan kepuasan. Peserta mengungkapkan harapan agar pelatihan serupa diadakan di masa depan. Disarankan pelatihan berkelanjutan dan pendampingan teknis untuk mendukung implementasi teknologi yang efektif, guna meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian di wilayah tersebut.</em></p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) MODERNISASI DAN DIGITALISASI DI PESANTREN NURUL ISLAM PUMEE WITYA SCHOOL, THAILAND2024-12-13T05:56:11+07:00Reina Syafia Salma Wonninkreinawonnink21@gmail.comAep<p><em>This study examines the implementation of modernization and digitalization at Pesantren Nurul Islam Pumee Witya in Pattani, Thailand which is a traditional pesantren institution to see the response to modern learning and the use of technology. Using the Sisdamas method, this study found an initial resistance to new teaching methods, such as games and songs in learning English, although on the student side they have an interest in this modern learning patterns. Digitization efforts, including the updating of the pesantren's Google Maps profile, aim to increase accessibility and visibility without compromising traditional values. The findings suggest that, despite the challenges of initial resistance, the implementation of modernization and digitalization within pesantren certainly offers opportunities to improve the quality of education and outreach of Pesantren Nurul Islam Pumee Witya in Pattani, Thailand. </em></p> <p><em>=============================================</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penerapan modernisasi dan digitalisasi pada Pesantren Nurul Islam Pumee Witya di Pattani, Thailand yang merupakan lembaga pesantren tradisional guna melihat respon terhadap pembelajaran modern dan pemanfaatan teknologi. Menggunakan metode Sisdamas, penelitian ini menemukan adanya resistensi awal dari pihak pesantren terhadap metode pengajaran baru, seperti permainan dan lagu dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, meskipun pada sisi siswa mereka memiliki ketertarikan terhadap pola pembelajaran modern. Upaya digitalisasi, termasuk pembaruan profil Google Maps pesantren, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan visibilitas tanpa mengorbankan nilai-nilai tradisional. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa, meskipun ada tantangan yakni penolakan di awal, penerapan modernisasi dan digitalisasi di lingkup pesantren tentu menawarkan peluang untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan jangkauan dari Pesantren Nurul Islam Pumee Witya di Pattani, Thailand.</em></p>2025-01-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) PEMBUATAN AGENSI HAYATI SEBAGAI PERLINDUNGAN TANAMAN SECARA MANDIRI DI DESA KEPOH, BOJONEGORO DALAM MENYIKAPI PERMASALAHAN LINGKUNGAN2024-12-13T05:53:42+07:00Joko Tri Prasetyawannieha1514@gmail.comMuna Nabila Ovia AfirkaYusufdaud20.yd@gmail.comFika RizkiaYusufdaud20.yd@gmail.comQurotul AiniYusufdaud20.yd@gmail.comAnggi AriyantiYusufdaud20.yd@gmail.comMoh Yusuf<p><em>The agricultural cultivation system in Kepoh Village, Bojonegoro Regency, has several problems related to plant pest organisms in Kepoh Village. Farmers in this village still rely heavily on the use of pesticides and chemicals as protection and nutrition for their plants. The Biological Agency Creation Training Program to Achieve Independent Plant Protection in Kepoh Village makes it possible to be a long-term solution for farmers and farmers who are willing and able to use the fungus Lecanicillium lecanii as an environmentally friendly bioinsecticide and maximize pest and disease control in managed tobacco farming at low production costs. low is more productive. The program implementation method is carried out by examining several existing problems, then holding joint discussions to find solutions to the problems faced, then implementing them through training and socialization. The results of community service generally went well and were in accordance with the planned PKM objectives, namely to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture in Kepoh Village so that pests could be controlled without sacrificing environmental health and training partners to propagate the fungus Lecanicillium lecanii.</em></p> <p>==================================================</p> <p><em>Sistem budidaya pertanian di Desa Kepoh Kabupaten Bojonegoro terdapat beberapa permasalahan terkait organisme penganggu tanaman di Desa Kepoh, petani di Desa tersebut masih sangat mengandalikan penggunaan Pestisida dan kimia sebagai proteksi dan nutrisi tanaman mereka. Program Pelatihan Pembuatan Agensi Hayati Guna Tercapainya Perlindungan Tanaman Secara Mandiri di Desa Kepoh memungkinkan menjadi solusi jangka Panjang bagi petani dan petani mau dan mampu menggunakan cendawan Lecanicillium lecanii sebagai bioinsektisida yang ramah lingkungan serta memaksimalkan pengendalian hama dan penyakit pada usahatani tembakau yang dikelola dengan biaya produksi yang rendah lebih produktif. Metode pelaksaan program dilakukan dengan mengkaji beberapa permasalahan yang ada, selanjutnya melakukan diskusi secara Bersama untuk mencari solusi permasalahan yang dihadapi kemudian diimplementasikan dengan pelatihan dan sosialisikan. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat secara umum berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan tujuan PKM yang direncanakan yaitu Untuk mengurangi penggunaan bahan kimia pada pertanian di Desa Kepoh sehingga dapat mengendalikan hama tanpa mengorbankan kesehatan lingkungan serta melatih mitra membuat perbanyakan cendawan Lecanicillium lecanii.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) OF COCONUT SHELL LIQUID SMOKE AS A DEODORANT OF FOUR-LEGGED LIVESTOCK MANURE IN LOBANG, KARANGANYAR 2024-12-13T05:50:26+07:00Nindi Dewi Istiqomahnindistq@gmail.comIbnu Raju Humam26ibnurajuhumam@gmail.comEsti Mustafidaestifida12@gmail.comNurroh Mayanurrohmaya33@gmail.comDwi Wahyu<p><em>This study aims to address the issue of unpleasant odors from cattle manure in Dusun Lobang, Karanganyar, Central Java, by applying liquid smoke derived from coconut shells. The primary problem identified is the ammonia odor that disrupts community comfort. The methods employed include observation, socialization, and practical training in liquid smoke production, followed by direct application to livestock shelters. The results indicate that liquid smoke effectively reduces unpleasant odors gradually, with 80% of residents demonstrating understanding and enthusiasm towards the technique. The benefits of this research include improved environmental quality and enhanced knowledge among farmers about waste management. The study's limitations include the gradual reduction of odor and the simplicity of the smoke production technology. Recommendations for future research include long-term studies and the development of more efficient production tools, as well as policy support for implementing similar technologies in other regions.</em></p> <p><em>=============================================</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah bau tidak sedap yang dihasilkan dari kotoran ternak sapi di Dusun Lobang, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah, melalui pengaplikasian asap cair dari tempurung kelapa. Masalah utama yang diidentifikasi adalah bau amonia yang mengganggu kenyamanan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan meliputi observasi, sosialisasi, dan praktik pembuatan asap cair, serta penyemprotan langsung ke kandang ternak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asap cair efektif mengurangi bau tidak sedap secara bertahap, dengan tingkat pemahaman dan antusiasme warga mencapai 80%. Manfaat dari penelitian ini mencakup peningkatan kualitas lingkungan dan pengetahuan peternak tentang pengelolaan limbah. Keterbatasan penelitian meliputi variabilitas bau yang memerlukan waktu untuk menghilang dan teknologi alat pengolah yang masih sederhana. Rekomendasi untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah kajian jangka panjang dan pengembangan alat yang lebih efisien, serta dukungan kebijakan untuk penerapan teknologi serupa di daerah lain.</em></p>2025-01-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) PENCEGAHAN STUNTING MELALUI PRODUK NUTRACEUTICAL NUGGET SINGKONG DI DUSUN BABAAN SELATAN, DESA NGASEM2024-04-01T14:44:14+07:00Aulan Nur Daffa' Aulia Putri<p><em>Stunting is one of the serious problems related to child growth, one of the causes of which is the lack of nutritional intake in the form of food provided. The purpose of the activities carried out is preventive action through empowerment focused on three categories that are the main targets, namely mothers of toddlers, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers with a demonstration of making nutraceutical products as an effort to reduce the risk of stunting. The method used is CBR (community-based research) which focuses on problems that have occurred and the development of new solutions. The implementation of stunting education was carried out in the form of material presentations by three resource persons, application of cassava-based nutraceutical products, and questions and answers for participants who attended. The results of the activity showed an increase in participants' understanding of stunting and its prevention efforts. This can be seen from the enthusiasm when answering the speaker's questions. The implementation of activities also increases the ability to process surrounding food ingredients into stunting prevention products. The aspects of understanding and processing nutraceutical products are empowerment efforts that have been successfully carried out and are the objectives of the procurement of activities.</em></p> <p><em>================================================</em></p> <p><em>Stunting merupakan salah satu permasalahan serius terkait pertumbuhan anak yang salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya asupan gizi dalam bentuk makanan yang diberikan. Tujuan dari kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah tindakan preventif melalui pemberdayaan yang difokuskan kepada tiga kategori yang menjadi sasaran utama, yakni ibu balita, ibu hamil, dan ibu menyusui dengan demonstrasi pembuatan produk nutraceutical sebagai upaya penurunan resiko stunting. Metode yang digunakan adalah CBR (community-based research) yang berfokus pada permasalahan yang pernah terjadi dan pengembangan solusi terbaru. Pelaksanaan edukasi stunting dilakukan dalam bentuk presentasi materi oleh tiga orang narasumber, penerapan produk nutraceutical berbahan dasar singkong, dan tanya jawab bagi peserta yang hadir. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pemahaman peserta terhadap stunting dan upaya pencegahannya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari antusiasme saat menjawab pertanyaan pemateri. Pelaksanaan kegiatan juga meningkatkan kemampuan pengolahan bahan pangan sekkitar menjadi produk preventif stunting. Aspek pemahaman dan pengolahan produk nutraceutical merupakan upaya pemberdayaan yang berhasil dilakukan serta menjadi tujuan dari pengadaan kegiatan </em></p>2025-01-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) SABUN DAN LILIN DARI LIMBAH MINYAK JELANTAH SEBAGAI PELUANG BISNIS BAGI WARGA DESA NGASEM2024-12-13T05:36:23+07:00Lulu’ Choir Nabila Khasinatil Putri<p><em>There are 2,214 families in Ngasem Village who each produce 1 liter of cooking oil waste every month. From there, there is a need for the treatment of used cooking oil waste in the region so that the waste does not pollute the environment. The processing proposed in this research is the utilization into soap and candles. The implementation of activities uses the CBR (Community-based Research) method. In its stages, there are several series: Determining the target of the workshop, namely the women of PKK and Dasa Wisma of Ngasem Village; observing the condition of the village organization and the type of training that is often promoted; and following up the workshop with materials related to the utilization of used cooking oil waste into creations with business opportunities. Our workshop resulted in a good enthusiasm from the ladies. They were able to grasp the material well and were active in the discussion. Demonstrations were well followed, and participants were able to practice smoothly. This shows an indicator of success in delivering information, especially in terms of calculating prices as the next business opportunity. The price of soap and candle products from used cooking oil can be categorized as affordable with raw materials from daily cooking waste.</em></p> <p><em>===========================================</em></p> <p><em>Terdapat 2.214 keluarga di Desa Ngasem yang masing-masing menghasilkan limbah minyak goreng 1 liter tiap bulan. Dari situ, ada kebutuhan akan pengolahan limbah minyak jelantah di wilayah tersebut agar limbah tidak mencemari lingkungan. Pengolahan yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan menjadi sabun dan lilin. Pelaksanaan kegiatan menggunakan metode CBR (Community-based Research). Dalam tahapannya, terdapat beberapa rangkaian: penentuan sasaran workshop, yaitu Ibu-ibu PKK dan Dasa Wisma Desa Ngasem; observasi kondisi organisasi desa dan jenis pelatihan yang sering digalakkan; dan penindaklanjutan workshop dengan materi yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan limbah minyak jelantah menjadi kreasi yang berpeluang bisnis. Workshop kami menghasilkan sebuah antusias yang baik dari Ibu-ibu. Mereka dapat menangkap dengan baik materi yang disampaikan dan aktif dalam diskusi. Demonstrasi diikuti dnegan baik, serta peserta mampu mempraktikkannya dengan lancar. Hal tersebut menunjukkan indikator keberhasilan dalam penyampaian informasi, terutama dalam hal perhitungan harga sebagai peluang bisnis selanjutnya. Harga produk sabun dan lilin dari minyak jelantah dapat dikategorikan terjangkau dengan bahan baku limbah hasil olahan masak sehari-hari.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSION ZAKAT CALCULATING APPLICATION FEATURES AND SERVICES 2024-08-27T15:58:58+07:00Eni Zulfa Hidayahenizulfahidayah@gmail.comZainur Rozikinzrozikin11@gmail.comMaulida Dwi<p><em>Indonesia has a huge potential for zakat, given that the majority of its population is Muslim. This potential comes from various types of zakat, such as zakat fitrah, zakat maal, professional zakat, and infaq and sadaqah. This research aims to develop professional zakat application features and services that can help people understand and calculate the amount of professional zakat. The research uses the 4D approach: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The user needs definition phase is carried out through a literature review. Before the application development, design is conducted using Use Case diagrams and Flow screen diagrams. The application is developed using Kodular and implemented on Android smartphones. Testing is performed using black box testing for functional and System Usability Scale (SUS) testing for non-functional requirements. The functional testing results show that the application's primary function successfully calculates professional zakat. The results of the non-functional testing using SUS indicate that the application is categorized as good.</em></p> <p><em>===============================================</em></p> <p><em>Indonesia memiliki potensi zakat yang sangat besar, mengingat mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Potensi ini berasal dari berbagai jenis zakat, seperti zakat fitrah, zakat maal, zakat profesi, serta infaq dan sedekah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan fitur dan layanan aplikasi zakat profesi yang dapat membantu masyarakat dalam memahami dan menghitung besaran zakat profesi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan 4D: Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate. Tahap pendefinisian kebutuhan pengguna dilakukan dengan studi literatur. Sebelum pembuatan aplikasi, dilakukan desain menggunakan diagram Usecase dan Flowscreen. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan Kodular dan diimplementasikan pada smartphone Android. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengujian black box untuk kebutuhan fungsional dan pengujian System Usability Scale (SUS) untuk kebutuhan non fungsional. Hasil pengujian fungsional menunjukkan bahwa fungsi utama aplikasi telah berhasil menghitung zakat profesi. Hasil pengujian non fungsional menggunakan SUS menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi termasuk dalam kategori baik.</em></p>2024-08-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) HALAL TOURISM IN AN ISLAND OF A THOUSAND MOSQUE: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES2024-02-26T08:09:06+07:00Achmad Zainal<p><em>One important aspect seems to be ignored in developing halal tourism concept is existence of non-Muslims surrounding the halal tourist destinations across the Island of Lombok. Moreover, there is no single definition of the concept of halal tourism. This paper argues that it is important to include fellow Hindus communities in Lombok to avoid negative consequences of developing halal tourism. This research employs a qualitative model, using in-depth interviews, participant observations and documentation methods. Focuses on Hindus communities in two regencies of Lombok Island, West Lombok and the city of Mataram, where many holy sites of Hindu are located and have a long history of relationship with Islam. Results indicate that there is not enough socialization of the concept of halal tourism for Hindus fellows. Some of them have similar idea with their fellows in Bali in rejecting the concept of halal tourism because they believe that halal tourism will affected their traditions and practices. Meanwhile, other Hindus seem to have a neutral position, meaning that they do not really understand about the concept of halal tourism but willing to support it, as long as they still have freedom in expressing their religious traditions and practices. These relatively negative opinions from Hindus communities have to be considered seriously by all related parties in developing halal tourism in Lombok as challenges to re-evaluate the concept of halal tourism to prioritize the Islamic values of moderation rather than economic and ideological oriented, including the use of more acceptable term of “Muslim-friendly tourist destination”.</em></p>2022-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s)