INKLUSI <p class="p1"><strong><em>INKLUSI: Journal of Disability Studies</em></strong> is an accredited academic journal focusing on the issues of disabilities, the rights of people with disabilities, inclusive education, and efforts to promote an all-inclusive society. It is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Center for Disability Services (PLD) at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. The journal accepts submissions of quality papers, and research-based articles, without regard to the disciplines.</p> <p class="p1">INKLUSI is published in cooperation with KOPERTINA (Indonesian Inclusive Higher Education Consortium), a group of universities providing inclusive education.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>KOPERTINA consists of six universities: UIN Sunan Kalijaga, University of Indonesia, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, State University of Surabaya, and University of Lambung Mangkurat.</p> en-US <p>* Author(s) are the copyrigth holder(s) of their published articles and to retain publishing rights without restrictions.</p> (Jamil Suprihatiningrum) (INKLUSI) Wed, 02 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Front Matters Ragil Ristiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Ragil Ristiyanti Sat, 08 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of the Use of Digital Media in Online Learning for Down Syndrome Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic <p>In connection with the Ministry of Education and Culture of Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires distance learning, has a significant impact on teachers and students pandemic; with Down syndrome who also have to carry out the learning process online without face-to-face meetings. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to know how digital media is utilized by teachers and students with Down syndrome and how it impacts children with Down syndrome after using digital media continuously. This research indicates that digital media is used not only for academic learning but also non-academic such as extracurriculars, to train children's creativity and creation. As for the impact of digital media, the informants acknowledged that changes in their children's behavior and emotions were influenced by what they watched. Therefore, it is necessary to have strict supervision and attention from parents/caregivers regarding the use of digital media and their children's viewing.</p> <p><em>Sehubungan dengan Surat Edaran Mendikbud Nomor 4 Tahun 2020 tentang situasi pandemi COVID-19 yang mengharuskan dilakukannya pembelajaran jarak jauh, hal ini berdampak besar bagi guru dan siswa dengan down syndrome yang juga harus melakukan proses pembelajaran secara daring tanpa bertatap muka secara langsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana media digital dimanfaatkan oleh para guru dan siswa dengan down syndrome serta bagaimana dampaknya kepada anak-anak dengan down syndrome setelah menggunakan media digital secara terus menerus. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media digital dimanfaatkan bukan hanya sebagai pembelajaran akademik saja melainkan juga non-akademik seperti ekstrakurikuler untuk melatih kreativitas dan kreasi anak. Adapun dampak media digital itu sendiri para informan mengakui adanya perubahan pada perilaku dan emosi anak mereka yang dipengaruhi oleh tontonan mereka. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengawasan dan perhatian yang ketat dari para orang tua terkait penggunaan media digital serta tontonan anak anak mereka.</em></p> Sarah Anisa Nurjanah; Fitria Ayuningtyas Copyright (c) 2024 Sarah Anisa Nurjanah; Fitria Ayuningtyas Wed, 02 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Bibliometric Analysis of Inclusive Education in Indonesia: Achievement and its Relations to General Education <p>This bibliometric analysis study used Vosviewer application as a data processor. Data sources in the form of research articles were collected from using the keyword "inclusive education". Research data screening was carried out by the PRISMA method. The results of data analysis indicated that research on inclusive education in Indonesia from 2012 to 2022 showed an increasing trend. In the analysis of network visualization, data were divided into 4 main clusters, with keywords “teacher” and “need” came as the highest terms. Then in the overlay visualization it is known that the latest topics that are being studied are related to keywords of barriers, special needs, methods, disability, children, infrastructure, facilities, and obstacle. As for the analysis of density visualization; the keywords are attitude, handling, and depth interviews are in dark clusters so that it can be concluded that novelty research can be carried out on these topics as well as on topics that have not appeared in mapping. The results of the bibliometric and discussion concluded that research on inclusive education and general education on the topic of appropriate ICT-based learning strategies and media is needed to maximize the potential of students with disabilities in the learning process.</p> Firstya Evi Dianastiti, Sarwiji Suwandi, Budhi Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Firstya Evi Dianastiti, Sarwiji Suwandi, Budhi Setiawan Mon, 07 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Promoting Autonomy and Employment of Individuals with Intellectual Disability: The Role of Universities <p>A positive correlation exists between having a university degree and being employed. The opportunity to earn a university degree, however, is challenging for students with intellectual disability, as universities are typically not adapted to their unique higher education needs. This negatively impacts those students’ employment opportunities and, consequently, also their autonomy because employment is often a driver of important life decisions. In response, the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain embarked on a program, ‘Incluye e Inserta UCLM’ (‘Inclusion and Labour Insertion at UCLM’), to accommodate students with intellectual disabilities by implementing an accessible university qualification for them. Universities are knowledge-generating centers and should also fulfill a social function. To do so, universities must be in contact with society to determine societal needs and provide some solutions. The abovementioned socially responsive university program offers students with intellectual disabilities a unique opportunity to fulfill their academic and personal growth.</p> <p><em>Seseorang yang bergelar sarjana memiliki korelasi positif dengan bagaimana ia dipekerjakan. Namun, kesempatan untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana merupakan tantangan bagi mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas intelektual, karena universitas biasanya tidak disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan unik pendidikan tinggi mereka. Hal ini berdampak negatif terhadap kesempatan kerja bagi penyadang disabilitas intelektual dan juga otonomi mereka, karena pekerjaan seringkali merupakan pendorong keputusan hidup yang penting. Universitas Castilla-La Mancha di Spanyol memulai program 'Incluye e Inserta UCLM' ('Inklusi dan Penyisipan Tenaga Kerja di UCLM') untuk mengakomodasi mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas intelektual melalui penerapan kualifikasi universitas yang dapat diakses oleh mereka. Universitas adalah pusat penghasil pengetahuan dan juga harus memenuhi fungsi sosial. Oleh karena itu, universitas harus berhubungan dengan masyarakat dalam menentukan kebutuhan masyarakat dan memberikan solusi masalah sosial. Program universitas yang tanggap secara sosial ini menawarkan kepada mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas intelektual kesempatan unik untuk memenuhi pertumbuhan akademik dan pribadi mereka.</em></p> Juana Morcillo, Juan Bornman Copyright (c) 2024 Juana Morcillo, Juan Bornman Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Migrants with Disabilities [MWDs], Mental Health, and Exclusion in COVID-19 Palliative in South Africa <p>The paper discusses the challenges of migrants with disabilities (MWDs) during COVID-19 and how government policies either amplify or aggravates their challenges in South Africa. This study also examined current disability legislation and COVID-19 policies on MWDs. The study is a qualitative study based on interviews with seven participants. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Findings suggest that MWDs struggles with mental health, exclusion from health care, COVID-19 palliative and social welfare. The paper argues that South Africa has failed to develop and execute relevant policies and strategies to assist MWDs. This is evidenced in insufficient government policy on the inclusion of MWDs in COVID-19. The paper suggests that the South African government and disaster management plans should improve policies and services provided to MWDs. It is also suggested that MWDs should enjoy human rights and be treated equally. This necessitates a review of current capacities and strengthening of disabilities legislation specific to MWDs.</p> <p>Penelitian ini membahas tantangan yang dihadapi oleh migran penyandang disabilitas (MWD) selama pandemi COVID-19 dan bagaimana kebijakan pemerintah dapat memperburuk atau memperparah tantangan mereka di Afrika Selatan. Studi ini juga meneliti undang-undang disabilitas saat ini dan kebijakan COVID-19 terkait MWD. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif berdasarkan wawancara dengan tujuh partisipan. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa MWD mengalami masalah kesehatan mental, pengucilan dari layanan kesehatan, bantuan COVID-19, dan kesejahteraan sosial. Makalah ini berpendapat bahwa Afrika Selatan tidak berhasil mengembangkan dan melaksanakan kebijakan serta strategi yang relevan untuk membantu MWD. Hal ini terbukti dari kebijakan pemerintah yang kurang memadai dalam mengikutsertakan MWD selama pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar pemerintah Afrika Selatan dan rencana manajemen bencana harus meningkatkan kebijakan dan layanan yang disediakan untuk MWD. Juga disarankan agar MWD menikmati hak asasi manusia dan diperlakukan secara setara. Hal ini memerlukan peninjauan kapasitas saat ini dan penguatan undang-undang disabilitas yang spesifik untuk MWD.</p> Samuel Uwem Umoh, Matshepo Catherine Matoane Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Uwem Umoh, Matshepo Catherine Matoane Mon, 09 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Kajian Desain Inklusif “Grey Room” untuk Siswa dengan ADHD <p>Inclusion rooms for students with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in schools are urgently needed to overcome and reduce symptoms of hyperactivity. This study aims to examine the inclusive design of the Grey Room, so that a reference can be obtained for designing appropriate private spaces for children with ADHD at school. This research method uses a comparative qualitative method between the Grey Room with the criteria of several theories regarding the design of the Grey Room for children with ADHD by taking a case study at SD Tamansari 1 Yogyakarta. It was found that the Grey Room is a combination of seclusion room and resource room. The Grey Room is designed with reference to some of the criteria for a seclusion room but is also used as a resource room. There are differences between the criteria, design and utilization so that a deeper study is needed regarding the Grey Room.</p> <p><em>Ruang inklusi untuk siswa dengan Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) di sekolah sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi dan mengurangi gejala hiperaktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah desain inklusif Grey Room, sehingga bisa didapatkan acuan untuk merancang ruang privat yang tepat untuk anak dengan ADHD di sekolah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif komparatif antara Grey Room dengan kriteria dari beberapa teori mengenai desain Grey Room untuk anak dengan ADHD dengan mengambil studi kasus pada SD Tamansari 1 Yogyakarta. Didapatkan bahwa Grey Room merupakan kombinasi antara seclusion room dan resource room. Grey Room didesain dengan mengacu pada sebagian kriteria seclusion room tetapi dimanfaatkan juga sebagai resource room. Terdapat perbedaan antara kriteria, desain dan pemanfaatan sehingga diperlukan telaah yang lebih dalam mengenai Grey Room.</em> </p> Raden Bagus Budho Diwangkoro, Aditya Noor Hadhy Utama, Arif Budi Sholihah Copyright (c) 2024 Raden Bagus Budho Diwangkoro, Aditya Noor Hadhy Utama, Arif Budi Sholihah Tue, 17 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Caregiver’s Mental Health of Children with Learning Disabilities: A Scoping Review <p>he caregivers face their own challenges in dealing with children with learning disabilities that may impact their own mental and physical health. Recently, there has not been much discussion about caregivers’ mental health. This review aims to capture the caregiver’s mental health of children with learning disabilities during a crisis and understand several factors related to it. A scoping review method was used to review literature published across seven databases between 2020 and 2023. Fifteen articles were included in this study. The result highlights three important issues related to the mental health of caregivers. First, caregivers experienced several mental health problems such as worry, fear, changes in mood and behavior, depression, and anxiety. Second, support is needed to help caregivers cope with daily problems. Third, demographic characteristics contribute to the mental health quality of caregivers. Strengthening supporting programs for caregivers to promote their mental health should be considered.</p> <p><em>Pengasuh yang memiliki anak dengan gangguan belajar menghadapi tantangannya sendiri dan hal ini dapat berdampak pada kesehatan mental dan fisik mereka. Belakangan ini, belum banyak diskusi mengenai kesehatan mental pengasuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesehatan mental pengasuh yang memiliki anak dengan gangguan belajar di masa krisis serta memahami beberapa faktor yang terkait dengan kesehatan mental pengasuh. Metode tinjauan ruang lingkup digunakan untuk meriviu artikel yang terbit di tujuh database antara tahun 2020 hingga 2022. Lima belas artikel digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menyoroti tiga isu penting terkait kesehatan mental pengasuh. Pertama, pengasuh dapat mengalami beberapa masalah kesehatan mental seperti kekhawatiran, ketakutan, perubahan mood dan perilaku, depresi, serta kecemasan. Kedua, diperlukan dukungan untuk membantu pengasuh dalam mengatasi masalah sehari-hari. Ketiga, karakteristik demografi berkontribusi terhadap kualitas kesehatan mental pengasuh. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya dukungan yang lebih baik untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan mental pada pengasuh.</em></p> Runi Rulanggi, Iftita Rahmi, Dian Mufitasari, Aradeta Kenia Yapsir Copyright (c) 2024 Runi Rulanggi, Iftita Rahmi, Dian Mufitasari, Aradeta Kenia Yapsir Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Learning Accommodation for Slow Learners in Inclusive Elementary Schools <table width="612"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="450"> <h2><em>Abstract</em></h2> <p><em>Teachers should understand slow learners to reduce behavioral problems. Thus, this study aims to identify forms of practical action taken by teachers to help with learning problems faced by slow learners. The method used is research and development to develop a questionnaire about teacher actions in overcoming learning problems faced by slow learners. The subjects of this study were 40 regular elementary school teachers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Furthermore, the data analysis technique used is quantitative with percentages. The results of the study show that regular elementary school teachers have taken tactical action to provide solutions to the learning problems of slow learners. Most teachers help students by maximizing student potential, meaning that they support all efforts students can make to learn. However, teachers have not utilized learning resources and media to bridge the metacognitive learning of slow learners. . Consequently, teachers need training on effective learning media for the development of students' metacognition.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Sukinah, Mumpuniarti , Kenanga Kusuma Murdiyani Copyright (c) 2024 Sukinah, Mumpuniarti , Kenanga Kusuma Murdiyani Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700