Strategic Utilization of Islamic Philanthropy in Education Financing: An Investigation into Orphan Empowerment


  • Siti Junita Pascasarjana UINKH Achmad Siddiq, Jember, Indonesia
  • Moh. Dasuki Pascasarjana UINKH Achmad Siddiq, Jember, Indonesia
  • Zainuddin Al-Haj Pascasarjana UINKH Achmad Siddiq, Jember, Indonesia



Islamic Philanthropy, Education Financing, Orphan Empowerment


This research investigates the strategic utilization of Islamic philanthropy for financing education, focusing specifically on its role in empowering orphans. It explores the Foundation of Self-Determined Owners of Banyuwangi's application of zakat and the waqf-based educational justice instrument in Vocational High School Nurut Taqwa.  The study adopts a descriptive qualitative approach and includes observation, interviews, and document analysis to collect data. The findings demonstrate the efficient use of Islamic philanthropy in providing free education and support for orphans and underprivileged individuals. The school's structured financing approach, leveraging immovable and mobile waqf supplemented by various sources, ensures transparency and accountability. This research provides valuable insights into the strategic use of Islamic philanthropy in education financing and its potential for empowering marginalized individuals. It also highlights the need for future studies to assess the model's applicability in different settings and its potential scalability.


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