Living Hadis2024-11-28T08:54:46+07:00Subkhani Kusuma Dewikusummadewi@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>The Living Hadis Journal is a scientific journal that pays special attention to various issues regarding the study of hadith, especially about hadith texts that live and develop in the midst of social life. This journal provides a place to become a forum for research based on originality, novelty of research, multidisciplinary interest, accessibility, timeliness, and conclusions that can contribute to every social behavior of society based on the hadith of the prophet.</p> <p>Articles submitted must comply with the writing instructions and various other provisions on the web. Please register as an author and submit your article via the submission menu. More information can be obtained through several menus on the web or you can contact the contact provided.</p> <p> </p> Awareness of Mabrur Hajj Pilgrims in Performing the Hajj Pilgrimage based on the Hadith of the Prophet2024-06-30T13:15:43+07:00Muhammad Yoga Adi<p><em>As one of the pillars of Islam, the Hajj has great urgency to be carried out by every Muslim who is considered to have the ability. Apart from being an obligation, the Hajj also has many advantages, as explained in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. This research examines the congregation's acceptance of the hadith on the virtues of the Hajj and its implementation in carrying out the Hajj pilgrimage through two problem formulations; first, what is the reception of the Hajj pilgrims towards the hadith; and second, what is the form of implementation of the hadith by the congregation? This question was analyzed using a qualitative approach with in-depth interview methods supported by data related to the pilgrims' understanding of the hadith of the virtues of the Hajj and the practices carried out during the Hajj pilgrimage. The research results show that the majority of Hajj pilgrims understand and accept the hadith and the virtues of Hajj well. They try to practice the teachings in the hadith, such as increasing worship, protecting themselves from immoral acts, and increasing spirituality during the Hajj. This shows the high awareness of Hajj pilgrims about carrying out the Hajj pilgrimage as well as possible. This research concludes that the congregation's acceptance of the hadith on the virtues of the Hajj is quite good, and they try to apply it in the implementation of the Hajj, so that this can contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of people's spiritual life.</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Yusup, Muhammad Mansur; Achmad Dahlan; Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana Review of Hadith Concerning the Characteristics of Ya’juj Ma'juj and its Relevance to Life in Contemporary Society2024-06-13T22:38:35+07:00Fuad<p><em>Gog and Magog are often the subject of speculation and give rise to various interpretations among scholars and the Muslim community. As a creature mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith, the Gogg and Magog entity is necessary. However, an explanation of who they are, how they appear, and their traits that tend to be destructive still requires further research based on authentic Hadith. There are also quite a few who interpret Gogg and Magog as an attribute, not an attribute. Therefore, this research aims to determine the physical identification and characteristics of Gog and Magog through a review of the Hadith. The method used in this research is library research using a content analysis approach. The research results show that Gog and Magog have striking physical characteristics such as wide faces, small eyes, curly hair, and short bodies. Apart from that, they are also described as beings who are destructive, know no mercy, and cause great damage to the earth. This research emphasizes the importance of an in-depth understanding of related hadiths to provide further insight into the role and impact of Gog and Magog in the context of Islamic eschatology so that society can be more aware of social issues.</em></p>2024-10-19T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fuad Jasir, Aisyah Simamora, Nurliana the Legal Formal of Politization of Prophetic Hadith in Riyād al-Sālihin No. 13202024-09-01T17:05:42+07:00Ahmad Amiruddin<p><em>The urgency of the Prophet's hadith often clashes with practical politics, so its meaning is no longer independent and is more directed towards individual and group interests. Indirectly, there is a reduction in meaning and purpose, so it is important to research this matter. In this paper, the researcher examines the hadith of the Prophet saw on riwayah of Imam Muslim no. 1320 in Riyād al-Sālihīn, to answer at least two problem formulations; 1). What is the formal legal form of hadith Muslim narration no. 1320 in Riyāḍ al-Ṣāliḥīnand 2). What is the form of politicization of hadith in practical political practice in the contemporary era. The method used is qualitative analysis, which is descriptive with a contextual-historical approach. The results of this study show that the hadith as the second holy text after the Qur'an has a strategic position in the belief of a Muslim and confirms the formal legal "prohibition" of politicizing hadith because it can urge the ralization of religious values.</em></p>2024-11-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Amiruddin Priyatmaja Comparative Discourse on Istidlāl Hadīṡ for the Recitation of Basmalah in Prayer: Perspectives of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah2024-11-28T08:54:46+07:00Khoirul Mubinkhoirulmubin66@gmail.comToha Harun Al al<p><em>The discourse surrounding the recitation of Basmalah in Al-Fatihah during prayer has consistently been a contentious issue within society, particularly between members of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah. This divergence arises from differences in perspectives and variations in the interpretation of istidlāl (legal reasoning) derived from hadith used by both groups. This study examines the methods and approaches employed by NU and Muhammadiyah in understanding, interpreting, and formulating legal rulings based on hadith. The research focuses on two primary questions: First, what methods are implemented by NU and Muhammadiyah in istidlāl hadith? Second, what narrations serve as their foundational basis for legal rulings? These questions are explored through a descriptive-analytical method grounded in literature review. The findings reveal that; first, NU and Muhammadiyah each have dedicated institutions tasked with understanding Islamic legal sources and issuing fatwas—namely, the Lembaga Bahtsul Masail for NU and the Majelis Tarjih for Muhammadiyah; second, Nahdlatul Ulama employs the qauly, ilhaqy, and manhajy methods in interpreting Islamic legal sources, whereas Muhammadiyah utilizes the bayani, ta'lili, and istishlahi methods; and third, Regarding the recitation of Basmalah in prayer, NU considers it obligatory and recommends its recitation aloud (jahr), based on istidlāl qauli referring to Imam Shafi'i's opinion in Al-Umm. In contrast, Muhammadiyah allows for Basmalah to be recited either silently (sirr) or aloud (jahr), using the bayani method, which draws on hadith narrated by Imam Malik in Al-Muwatta’, offering a more flexible interpretation of the recitation of Basmalah.</em></p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khoirul Mubin, Toha Harun Al Rasyid, Unzilatun Nikmah, Rodli al Anshori