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Roma Ulinnuha


Based on what accentuated by Max Scheler on axiological dimension, this
article seeks to explore what aspects discussed in the axiological values and the
relevance of the values on interfaith initiatives. The ever-present issues of conflict,
radicalization and religiously-motivated violence has led the idea on how to
approach some ways toward the alternative solution. The queries are what is
axiological dimension of values in Scheler’s perspective? and what is the relevance
of the values on interfaith realm in religious studies perspective? The study shows
that the axiological dimension consisting of the values that needed to be found
objectively as the ethical basis for human interaction in everyday life. In Scheler’s
view, human without values is absurd; one needs moral values in order to live a
meaningful life. The essence of values is present with or without human’s practice.
The relevance of the value is profound in interfaith realm since it forms human
identity and determines peaceful coexistence among people of different faiths.

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