Studi Ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Hadis: Announcements2024-03-25T23:19:59+07:00Open Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">This international academic journal, with both print (ISSN <a href=""><strong>1411-6855</strong></a>) and online (ISSN <a href=""><strong>2548-4737</strong></a>) editions, serves as a platform for scholarly discussions in Qur'an and Hadith studies, following a rigorous peer-review process. It focuses on textual and contextual approaches, welcoming high-quality manuscripts in English, Bahasa Indonesia and Arabic. The journal encourages diverse contributions from various academic traditions and viewpoints, both classical and contemporary. The journal aims to facilitate global idea exchange, including scholars from the East and West, promoting interdisciplinary research.</p>