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Author Guidelines
The Integrated Lab Journal Scientific Journal Manuscript Writing Format is as follows:
General Format:
1. Paper : HVS A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm)
2. Margin : Left 3 cm, Bottom, right and top 2 cm
3. Font : Times New Roman , 12 pt, black, 1 space
4. Page Number : bottom right
5. Writing : Indonesian or English
In one manuscript, only one language is used (except for abstracts) consistently, there is no mixture of Indonesian and English or other languages.
6. Structure : Abstract; Preliminary; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions and suggestions; Speech Thank you (written in Times New Roman, bold capital, 12 pt, justified).
Content Format:
1. The maximum length of the manuscript is 10 pages (including pictures and tables) written justified.
2. Writing paragraphs on the left side of the line with a new paragraph transition distance of 6 pt (the beginning of the paragraph is indented)
3. The title is a maximum of 12 words (choose words and terms that are dense in meaning, specific keywords, and are able to characterize the entire content of the manuscript). Written in Times New Roman, bold capital, 12 pt, center.
4. The ownership line consists of 2 elements, the name of the author and the institution of origin (address, telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail). The author's name is written in Times New Roman, bold capital, 11 pt, center. institution name written in Times New Roman, capital and lowercase, 10 pt, center.
5. Abstract (summary) is presented in one paragraph using no more than 200 words. Written in Indonesian and English. There are main problems and reasons for conducting research as well as the main objectives to be achieved. Inform also the approach, materials, and methods used, as well as the expression of the results and important conclusions obtained.
6. Keywords consist of about eight words or not more than one line in length
7. The complete manuscript contains:
- INTRODUCTION which leads the reader directly to the main point of the article by making a clear statement of the problem at hand.
- MATERIALS AND METHODS contains locations, materials, and methods briefly described without losing the details of the activities carried out in accordance with the sequence of operations.
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is the core of scientific writing. This section presents data and information found by researchers and is used as a basis for conclusions and even formulating new theories. In general, it is presented in stages in three parts: Description of the findings of the data and information collected, analysis according to the research design, and interpretation and explanation of the synthesis. Include supporting data in the form of tables, graphs, pictures, or other supporting tools as necessary to clarify and shorten the description that must be given.
- CONCLUSION presented in accordance with the results obtained by the researcher and written briefly and clearly in two or three sentences.
- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS are written for all the people or agencies who helped make it happen research.
8. The title of the table (times New Roman, center, & 10 pt) is numbered sequentially and written above the table. (Example: Table 3. Composition of fresh and dried tea leaves)
9. Image title : (times New Roman, center, & 10 pt) is numbered sequentially and written below the image. (Example: Figure 1. Seppi's boat made of wooden planks)
10. Sources of figures and tables must be included, if not the author's own work.
Written according to APA (American Psychological Association) style with website address: http://www.apastyle.org
Erneste, Pamusuk (2005). Script Editing Smart Book. Jakarta : Torch Publisher.
Scientific journals :
widhya, Dessy, & Ramaiyulis, Application of Defaunation Technology to Increase Dairy Cow Milk Production. P journal
& PT, III (3), 91-96.
Articles from internet sites ;
Herkovich. A. (2005). Highwire Releases Millionth Articles. Retrieved December 1, 2005 on the World Wide web: http: //newsservice.
Articles from newspapers:
Usirisanda, M. (2004, March 3). Agglomeration in the Development of the Art Deco Area in Bandung. Suara Karya, page 12.