Coping Startegy pada Teen Mother yang Mengalami Kehamilan Tidak Direncanakan dalam Menghadapi Dampak Traumatis (Studi Kasus Di Sentra Paramita Mataram)

Coping Startegy pada Teen Mother yang Mengalami Kehamilan Tidak Direncanakan dalam Menghadapi Dampak Traumatis (Studi Kasus Di Sentra Paramita Mataram)


  • Ria UIN Sunan Kalijaga
  • Nina Rojanah UIN Sunan Kalijaga


Unplanned Pregnancyword, Teen Mom


The phenomenon of Teen Mothers (young mothers) experiencing KTD has attracted the attention of various groups, from the government, academics, to women's activists. KTD cases are caused by a lack of knowledge about the process of pregnancy and methods of preventing it, due to acts of rape, and failure of contraception, which is often experienced by young mothers. The impact is that many young mothers who experience KTD are in an unhealthy condition, both physically and psychologically. This research is descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. This research aims to explore the various coping strategies used by teenage mothers at Sentra Paramita Mataram in dealing with unplanned pregnancies, as well as the factors that influence the choice of coping strategies. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the subject (SA) uses emotion focused coping, namely accepting responsibility and positive reappraisal. Even though initially he tended to blame himself, SA managed to change his outlook to a more positive one, showing positive developments in his psychological and social aspec.

Keywords: Unplanned Pregnancyword, Teen Mom


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How to Cite

Ria, & Nina Rojanah. (2024). Coping Startegy pada Teen Mother yang Mengalami Kehamilan Tidak Direncanakan dalam Menghadapi Dampak Traumatis (Studi Kasus Di Sentra Paramita Mataram). Altruism: The Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement, 2(1), 9–21. Retrieved from