Program Pertanian Sebagai Terapi Self Healing (Studi Kasus Warga Eks Psikotik Binaan BRSBKL Sleman)

Program Pertanian Sebagai Terapi Self Healing (Studi Kasus Warga Eks Psikotik Binaan BRSBKL Sleman)


  • Nida Nur Hafidza UIN Sunan Kalijaga
  • Lora Laelasari UIN Sunan Kalijaga
  • Reza Mina Pahlewi UIN Sunan Kalijaga


Self-healing, Agricultural, Residents


This paper aims to show the importance of integrating agricultural activities in rehabilitation programs for individuals with psychotic disorders, and how this can help create a supportive, inclusive environment and facilitate social and mental recovery. The subject of this writing is residents assisted by BRSBKL Sleman, while the object is the application of the concept of self-healing with agriculture for these residents. The agriculture as Self Healing program at BRSBKL Sleman provides training in aspects of agriculture to assisted residents, which results in improved mental well-being and development of practical skills in agriculture. Collaborative farming activities strengthen social connections and environmental awareness, while consumption of harvested crops strengthens bonds between participants and staff. The program creates an inclusive environment that supports social and mental recovery, highlighting that this holistic approach can have a positive impact on individuals with complex psychological backgrounds. In conclusion, the integration of agricultural activities in rehabilitation programs is an important step in supporting ex-psychotic residents in their recovery process.


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How to Cite

Nida Nur Hafidza, Lora Laelasari, & Reza Mina Pahlewi. (2023). Program Pertanian Sebagai Terapi Self Healing (Studi Kasus Warga Eks Psikotik Binaan BRSBKL Sleman). Altruism: The Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement, 2(1), 32–37. Retrieved from