
  • Suryana Suryana Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province
  • Kadek Swarniati Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province



This study investigated the socio-economic determinants at the individual and contextual level of household poverty in Indonesia. The data used in this study is drawn from the March 2020 Indonesia-National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) provided by BPS, Statistics-Indonesia. The data were analyzed using the Multilevel Logistics Regression Model. This study indicates that the achievement of the Human Development Index at the provincial level affects the reduction of the poor at the household level. Moreover, at the individual level, household size, education level, and employment status of the household head significantly affect household poverty. The results of this study underscore the need to look beyond the influence of individual-level factors in addressing regional variations in household poverty in Indonesia. Therefore, Government policies to increase human development in provinces with low HDI are needed. 

Author Biographies

Suryana Suryana, Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province

Suryana is currently the Coordinator of the Social Statistics Function at Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province.  Previously, he was the Head of Production Statistics Division in 2016-2018 and the Head of the People's Welfare Statistics Section in 2008-2016 at Statistics of Papua Barat Province. He graduated from the Institute of Statistics in 2001 and obtained a Master of Science (M.Si) in Surabaya Institute of Technology in 2008. In 2011, he was involved in research with Unicef (Multiple Indicator Clusters Survey, MICS 2011) and UNDP (MDGs Papua Barat 2011). His research interests focus on poverty, human development, demography, and welfare.

Kadek Swarniati, Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province

Kadek Swarniati is currently a statistician at the Social Resilience Statistics Function at Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province. Previously, she was a statistician at Statistics of Jakarta Selatan Municipality. She graduated from the Institute of Statistics in 2016. In 2019, she became an ISDB fund awardee at the 62nd World Statistics Congress. Her research interests are employment, poverty, demography, and population studies.

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How to Cite

Suryana, S., & Swarniati, K. (2022). ERADICATING POVERTY AND HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA: An Approach with Multilevel Logistic Regression Model. WELFARE : Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial, 10(2).