Keywords, self-confidence, learning, the model of everyone is a teacher hereAbstract
Abstract: Self-confidence is an important aspect in dealing with learning processes at a university level. The current study aimed at qualitatively investigating the contributions of a learning model so-called “Everyone is a Teacher Here” (EITH) to the improvement of tertiary students’ self-confidence in learning. 30 students from Islamic Education Department at IAIN Curup were purposively engaged as the participants. Their self-confidence improvement was scrutinized using observation and in-depth interviews. The data revealed that EITH model was positively contributive to the improvement of students’ self-confidence in learning. In this respect, the students experienced improvements in terms of their courage to argue, ask, and answer questions. They also experienced improvements in terms of abilities to elaborate learning materials resting upon their confidence. The improvements of their confidence are also associated with the increases in learning responsibility and achievements.
Keywords: self-confidence, learning, the model of everyone is a teacher here
Abstrak : Rasa percaya diri adalah aspek penting dalam menghadapi proses pembelajaran di tingkat universitas. Penelitian saat ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi secara kualitatif kontribusi model pembelajaran "Everyone is a Teacher Here” (EITH) terhadap peningkatan kepercayaan diri mahasiswa dalam belajar. 30 orang mahasiswa dari Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam di IAIN Curup dilibatkan sebagai partisipan. Peningkatan kepercayaan diri mereka diteliti dengan menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Data mengungkapkan bahwa model EITH memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap peningkatan kepercayaan diri mahasiswa dalam belajar. Dalam hal ini, para mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan dalam hal keberanian mereka untuk berargumen, bertanya, dan menjawab pertanyaan. Mereka juga mengalami peningkatan dalam hal kemampuan dalam menguraikan materi pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada kepercayaan diri mereka. Peningkatan kepercayaan diri mereka juga berasosiasi dengan peningkatan tanggung jawab dalam belajar dan hasil belajar mereka.
Kata Kunci: rasa percaya diri, pembelajaran, model pembelajaran everyone is a teacher here
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