Focus and Scope

Jurnal Psikologi Integratif is a peer-reviewed journal, published biannually by Psychology Department, Faculty of Social & Humanity Sciences State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. It is available online as open access sources and printed. The main focus of the journal is researches in psychological studies which is integrated with Islamic perspective. JPI focuses on disseminating researches, particularly related to issue of strengthening integrative psychological studies. Besides, JPI also receive an article based on a library research, which aims to develop integrated psychological theories. The articles should be original from author, and it focuses on the integrative psychological studies including:

  • Islamic Psychology (Muslims & Mental Health)

This specific branch and its research promote the awareness and understanding of the Islamic approach to psychology as we believe it has something important to offer the world. It particularly discusses the dissemination of new knowledge and advancement in research on Islamic Psychology, as well as in mental health that relates to the Islamic faith and Muslim populations. Furthermore, this field also focuses on acculturation, religiosity and competency in dealing with Muslim society and patients. It also has a goal to develop an Islamic framework from which to treat mental illness and psychological disorders.

  • Religion and Global Health

The fields of religion and global health are not often thought of in the same context. Yet with the increasing globalization of our world, interactions with people of different cultures and religious backgrounds are on the rise making our cultural competency, which includes religious traditions, of even greater importance. Religion and global health studies discuss and explore how religion can also profoundly influence social determinants of health.

  • Psychology of Spirituality/Transpersonal Psychology

This field focuses on studies about psychological growth, creativity, consciousness and emotional maturation. More specific, it discusses personal transformation that involves states of “awakening” which can occur spontaneously or gradually over time. These states of awakening are characterized by a psychological shift in the person’s consciousness, values and perception of themselves and the world.

  • Multicultural Mental Health

It discusses the impact of cultural, ethnic, and racial variables for the assessment, mental health, diagnosis, treatment, service delivery, and development of skills for working with culturally diverse populations. Research in this filed also recognizes diversity as extending beyond race and ethnicity to reflect characteristics or experiences related to gender, age, religion, disability, and socioeconomic status. Individuals are viewed as complex and shaped by different intersections and saliencies of multiple elements of diversity. It also focuses on indigenous approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and physical disorders; the therapeutic needs of culturally diverse clients with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities; suicide among racial and ethnic groups; multicultural considerations for treatment and multicultural curriculum and training.

  • Integrative & Holistic Psychotherapy/Counseling

Integrative psychotherapy is an approach to healing and easing life's problems by increasing one's resilience and personal resources. It incorporates the fundamental principles of traditional psychotherapy and holistic medicine to promote healing on all levels: emotional physical, mental and spiritual.

Integrative Psychotherapy discusses how to integrate the affective, cognitive, behavioral, and physiological systems within a person, with an awareness of the social and transpersonal aspects of the systems surrounding the person.. Integrative Psychotherapy takes into account many views of human functioning. The psychodynamic, client-centered, behaviorist, cognitive, family therapy, Gestalt therapy, body-psychotherapies, object relations theories, psychoanalytic, and transactional analysis approaches are all considered within a dynamic systems perspective. The psychotherapy interventions used in Integrative Psychotherapy are based on developmental research and theories describing the self-protective defenses used when there are interruptions in normal development.

  • Community Psychology

This branch of psychology concerned with person environment interactions and the ways society affects individual and community functioning. Community psychology focuses on social issues, social institutions, and other settings that influence individuals, groups, and organizations. Community psychology as a science seeks to understand relationships between environmental conditions and the development of health and well-being of all members of a community. The practice of community psychology is directed towards the design and evaluation of ways to facilitate psychological competence and empowerment, prevent disorder, and promote constructive social change.