
  • Pugud Aujian Arum Marisa Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Lufiana Harnany Utami Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya




Burnout, work stress, hardiness, stress kerja


Competition among companies made the majority of employees faced high demand on their job and achievement. Hence, it eventually stimulated the occurrence of burnout more frequently. This study aims to dexplore the correlation of work stress and hardiness with burnout. Using three psychological measurement tools, namely The Burnout Scale, Work Stress Scale, and Hardiness Scale, this quantitative research measured 91 employees in Surabaya. The result showed that work stress and hardiness have correlation with burnout. Partially work stress has a positive correlation with burnout, while hardiness has a negative correlation with burnout. Contribution of those variabels showed that there were possibly other variables that can be used in further research.

Persaingan antar perusahaan menyebabkan tuntutan pekerjaaan yang tinggi sehingga menyebabkan burnout di kalangan pekerja sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh stres kerja dan hardiness terhadap burnout. Peneliti menggunakan tiga alat ukur psikologis yaitu Skala Burnout (MBI), Skala Stres Kerja dan Skala Hardiness. Penelitian kuantitattif ini melibatkan 91 pekerja umum di Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara stres kerja dan hardiness dengan burnout pada pekerja. Secara parsial stres kerja berkorelasi positif terhadap burnout, sementara hardiness berkorelasi negatif terhadap burnout. Kontribusi kedua variabel menunjukkan ada variabel lain yang bisa digunakan pada penelitain selanjutnya.



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How to Cite

KONTRIBUSI STRESS KERJA DAN HARDINESS PADA BURNOUT PEKERJA. (2021). Jurnal Psikologi Integratif, 9(1), 29-40. https://doi.org/10.14421/jpsi.v9i1.2077