Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif



  • Sanny Nofrima
    Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Zuly Qodir
    Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Article Galley

DOI https://doi.org/10.14421/jsr.v16i1.2163
Page: 185-210
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How to Cite

GERAKAN SOSIAL BARU INDONESIA: STUDI GERAKAN GEJAYAN MEMANGGIL 2019. (2021). Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif, 16(1), 185-210. https://doi.org/10.14421/jsr.v16i1.2163


The Gejayan Calling Movement 2019 becomes an interesting phenomenon of the development of new student social movements in Indonesia. Using social media platforms (#tranding topics) as a means of mass mobilization, this action succeeded in managed around 15,000 protesters. This article aims to elaborate the 2019 Gejayan Menanggil Movement in more detail, covering the background of the action, the means of mass mobilization, the consolidation process, and the issues raised. The research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through virtual observations on social media, data searches on the Drone Emprit website, and in-depth interviews with members of HMI DIPO, HMI MPO, IMM, GMNI, and ARB (Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak). The collected data were analyzed using NVivo Plus software. The results show that the Gejayan Calling Movement has become the starting point for changes in social movements in Indonesia, where the foundations built are no longer based on material resistance, but are more based on issues of humanity, injustice, politics, the environment and women. Therefore, the ideology of the movements has also changed from a class resistance to an identity resistance.

Gerakan Gejayan Memanggil 2019 menjadi salah satu fenomena menarik dari perkembangan gerakan sosial baru mahasiswa di Indonesia. Melalui platform media sosial (tranding topic) sebagai alat mobilisasi massa, aksi ini telah melibatkan 15.000 (lima belas ribu) demonstran. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk mengelaborasi Gerakan Gejayan Memanggil 2019 secara lebih mendalam, meliputi latar belakang aksi, sarana mobilisasi massa, proses konsolidasi, dan isu yang diangkat. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi virtual di sosial media, penelusuran data di situs internet Drone Emprit, dan wawancara mendalam terhadap anggota HMI DIPO, HMI MPO, IMM, GMNI, dan ARB (Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak). Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan software NVivo Plus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gerakan Gejayan Memanggil ini telah menjadi titik tolak perubahan gerakan sosial di Indonesia, dimana pondasi yang dibangun tidak lagi berbasis pada perlawanan yang bersifat material, tetapi lebih berbasiskan pada isu-isu kemanusiaan, ketidakadilan, politik, lingkungan dan perempuan. Oleh sebab itu, ideologi yang berkembang berubah dari hal yang bersifat perlawanan kelas menjadi perlawanan identitas.


Gejayan calling movement, New Social movements, Civil society, Identity resistance

Author Biographies:

  • Sanny Nofrima, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
    Department of Government Affairs and Administration
  • Zuly Qodir, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
    Department of Government Affairs and Administration


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