Pengaruh Kadar Logam Berat Pb, Cr dan Cd Pada Air Limbah Setelah Pengolahan Hasil Desain Tim Pengolah Limbah Lab Terpadu UII
heavy metal, waste water, percentageAbstract
Research has been done for effect of heavy metals lead, chrom and cadmium in waste water after processing from UII Integrated Laboratory waste water processed team design, determination with Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer. Waste water processed team design used filter like sponge and palm fiber, absorbent as activated carbon and kaolin. Result of heavy metals determination after processed show that lead down 17%, chrom down 100% and cadmium is not detected.Downloads
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Kesmas, (2020), diakses pada 14 September 2020.
SNI 6989.8, (2009), Air dan air limbah – Bagian 8: Cara uji timbal (Pb) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) – Nyala, BSN, Hal:4.
SNI 6989.17, (2009), Air dan air limbah – Bagian 17: Cara uji kromium total (Cr) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) – Nyala, BSN, Hal:4.
SNI 6989.16, (2009), Air dan air limbah – Bagian 16: Cara uji kadmium (Cd) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) – Nyala, BSN, Hal:4.