About the Journal
International Journal of Basic Education Research – IJBER, e-ISSN: 3047-0722 is an international journal published by the Doctoral Program In Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Education - UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, published twice a year in February and August. This journal focuses its scope on issues of Primary Education in Southeast Asia. We invite scientists, scholars, researchers and professionals in the field of Primary Education in Southeast Asia to publish their research in our Journal. This journal publishes high-quality empirical and theoretical research covering all aspects of Primary Education in Southeast Asia.
- Local and global issues in basic education
- Studies on sociology, anthropology, psychology in Basic Education
- Development of Basic Education science
- Curriculum and Learning in SD/MI
- Integration-interconnection of basic education and Islamic studies
- Digital technology in learning
- Basic education management
- Authentic assessment for basic education