About the Journal
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN MADRASAH: (Journal of Madrasah Education) - JPM (E-ISSN: 2527-6794; P-ISSN: 2527-4287) is a periodical scientific journal published by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education Science State Islamic Universty Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta in cooperation with Madrasah Development Center (PPM) Ministry of Religious Affairs Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). This journal publishes itself on madrasah education studies of the range of madrasah education practices, madrasah curriculum, leadership, and madrasah resources. Managers welcome contributions in the form of articles of Lecturers, teachers, supervisors, researchers, scientists and professionals in for publication and dissemination after the selection of manuscripts, the study of partners, and the editing process. All articles in this journal are the views of the authors and do not represent these journals or affiliated institutions of the authors. Journal of Madrasah Education is published twice in the month in May and November.
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN MADRASAH: (Journal of Madrasah Education) - JPM, has become a CrossRef member and all articles published by Jurnal Pendidikan Islam will have unique DOI number.
Scientific paper submitted to this journal should follow the following guidelines:
- The manuscript has never been published and is the result of a research
- Written either in Bahasa Indonesia or in English using the standard of academic writing.
- The manuscript is written using the style of the Journal of Madrasah Education. The style is available on www.jurnaljpi.com
- The manuscript is written within 5000 to 6000 words by applying Chicago style of footnote writing (Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition).
- It is recommended to write the manuscript using zotero, mendeley, endnote, etc. software as its reference management.
- The manuscript is submitted online. The online submission could be conducted through http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/tarbiyah/index.php/JPM/about/submissions (register)
- The manuscript submitted would be categorized into three: accepted, need to be revised, and rejected.
Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah (JPM) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science, 2th floor, Tarbiyah House of Journal, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Jln. Marsda Adisucipto Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia. Phone: +62-274-513056, Fax: +62-274-519734. E-mail : alimurfi1@gmail.com | Website : http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/tarbiyah/JPM