Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Jigsaw pada Siswa MTs Negeri 1 Indramayu
Learning outcomes, Jigsaw learningAbstract
This research aims to improve the quality of the learning process of Mathematics subjects through jigsaw learning models. This research was conducted at MTs Negeri 1 Indramayu Year of Study 2019/2020 with the research subjects of class VIII students. This study using the Class Action Research (PTK) method was conducted in 2 cycles. The results showed that the application of jigsaw learning models can improve student learning achievement both in terms of classical completion of student learning, shown in cycle I by 68%, increased to 100% in cycle II. Students' learning activity levels also increased from 3.1 with moderately active categories in cycle I to 4.1 with active categories showing a 10% increase. Jigsaw learning models can be applied to MTs students to improve the learning outcomes of math subjects.
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