
  • Miftachul Hudha UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta




Javanese, Sufism, Anthropocentrism, Simuh, Kejawen


This study aims to find a model of human relations with God in the Islamic libraries of Kejawen (Jevenesse value) in Simuh’s view. The Islamic libraries of Kejawen referred by Simuh was literature was written by Javanese Islamic leaders in the early of Islam in Java. The literature contains many Islamic teachings manifested in the language and worldview of the Javanese people. To find this relation, this research uses quantitative methods with literature study research techniques. To achieve the expected analysis, this study also uses the hermeneutic method. This study concludes that Simuh's reading of the Javanese Islamic literature concerning human relations with God has an anthropocentrism style. Humans become the main axis in every concept of Sufism. To achieve the perfection of this relationship, humans first take Laku Batin (inner behavior) so that morality can be formed. This moral implementation leads humans to achieve Kemanggualan (oneness) so that they become perfect human beings. With the concept of anthropocentric Sufism, this study finds its relevance to previous research which states that the Javanese Sufism style has differences with the Islamic Sufism style which is theocentric.

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