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  • Yulia Purnama Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Indo Santalia



Library research is the type of research used in this study, which is research that aims to trace references or sources in the form of articles and journals to obtain data on ethical thoughts and methods of purifying the soul of Imam Al-Ghazali. This research model is historically factual. The analysis of the method used is interpretation, this method seeks to decipher the contents of books and other sources precisely. The second method is induction and deduction, by analyzing the entire section one by one of those references found in conjunction with the other or called induction. Data collection and analysis techniques are carried out by referring to the methods used. After conducting the analysis, a comparison was then made in terms of similarities from various sources so as to produce conclusions about the ethical thinking of Imam Al-Ghazali being religious and sufistic and the method of purifying the soul offered by Imam Al-Ghazali in the form of mujahadah, riyadhah,  get along with good people and environments, learn the stories of prophets, recognize one's own disgrace, and be able to take wisdom from those who hate us.


Keywords: ethical thinking; methods of purifying the soul

Abstract viewed: 507 times | pdf downloaded = 374 times


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