Investment-Linked Takaful Plan Patronage: Evidence from Malaysia


  • Tamiza Parveen Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Siti Salwani Razali Associate Professor Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Marhanum Che Mohd Salleh Assistant professor Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Malaysia



Investment-linked products, Takaful, Patronage, Malaysia


Investment-linked Takaful is a recent innovation introduced in Malaysia. This study focuses on Investment-linked takaful plan selection in Malaysia. We have used a self-administered questionnaire to collect data from 143 respondents from the Klang Valley area. Data collected through the survey was analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. Results indicate that fee payment and benefits play a significant role in Takaful operator selection while coverage and benefits affect the investment-linked product selection in Malaysia. This study is unique as it provides empirical evidence on the investment-linked takaful investment which is limited in supply. Results provided by this study can be useful for takaful operators in designing the most appropriate investment-linked product for attracting customers.   


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Author Biography

Tamiza Parveen, Department of Business Administration International Islamic University Malaysia

Tamiza Parveen has completed her BBA in Accounting and Finance and MBA in Finance from American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) with distinction and currently pursuing her PhD in Business Administration at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Her research interests include Islamic Finance, Takaful and Sukuk. Tamiza has published papers on Sukuk risk and Islamic bank performance in international peer reviewed journals.


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