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Since August 3, 2020, starting for the issue of Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019), GRIEB journal has been ACCREDITATED with "B" or "2nd" grade (SINTA 2) by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Agency for Research and Innovation of The Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the peer-reviewed journal that has excellent quality in management and publication. The recognition was published in Ministerial Decree No. 148/M/KPT/2020 and it is valid until 2025.

Previously, at April 4, 2019, starting for the issue of Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017), GRIEB journal has been ACCREDITATED with "D" or "4th" grade (SINTA 4) by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia. The recognition was published in Director Decree No. 10/E/KPT/2019.

In full, Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business is currently being indexed by:

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