Author Guidelines

All authors are expected to register and follow JIEHIS template before making submission. In June 2024, the paper tempate change to the new format paper. Any information related to peer review process, copyright notice, business model and policies in JIEHIS can be found in this page down below.

There are several points need to be considered during the writing process prior to the submission:

There are several points need to be considered during the writing process:

A concise abstract is required (150-300 words). The abstract should be informative and state briefly the aim of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, thus it must be able to stand alone (completely self-explanatory. Begin the abstract with the title “Abstract” in bold font, followed by a paragraph with normal 10-point font. Do not cite references in the abstract. Please do not place or cite tables and figures in the abstract either.

Journal of industrial engineering and halal industries will be compiled from articles prepared by participants and sent to the organizing committee.

Articles must be written on A4 sized paper and with a format of 25 mm left margin, 20 mm right margin, 25 mm bottom margin and 30 mm top margin, and must be typed in Times New Roman 10 pt, one space and in one format column.

Articles are created without page numbers and should be arranged in order of topic:

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methods (or Model Development)
  • Result and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • List of Notations *if any
  • Reference, and
  • Acknowledgments *if any

Articles must be written in ENGLISH. Each paper is 5-8 pages (3,000-5,000 words) including figures and tables. For color pictures or graphics, the color will still be preserved in the CD-form proceedings, but for printed proceedings, only black-and-white format can be provided.

The subtitles are written in bold with the Title Case format and are aligned to the left without numbers and underscores. Sub-subtitles are written in bold with the Sentence Case format and are arranged in left alignment without numbers and underscores.

The image is placed in the body of the text and is labeled with a picture and number followed by an image title that is placed under the image. The same applies to tables except for the title that is placed on the table above. Figures and tables are placed in the middle and please make sure they can be printed clearly.

Please display images in images format (JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF). Articles written in Microsoft Word, ready to be printed (Camera ready), saved with the file name: Paper_Name of Main Author. It should be noted that the committee will make minor corrections to the submitted articles to fit the predetermined format.

Each equation is written as centered and numbered consecutively in parentheses and the number is placed at the end of the right margin. Equations must be written using the Equation Editor provided by MS Word.

Authors are expected to use APA style 7th edition for the reference.