Peer Review Policy
JIEHIS puts effort to present papers that provide great contribution to the field of industrial engineering and halal industries. Thus, to ensure the quality of published paper JIEHIS performs a rigid measurement and involves experts and specialists in industrial engineering and halal industries.
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed using double-blind peer review. This method guarantees both author and reviewer's identity and it will prevent the reviewer forming any bias.
Our full editorial process can be found below:
Initial Screening. Editor-in-chief measures the conformity of the newly submitted manuscript to the journals's scope. Papers also being checked in order to meet the journal's basic requirements.
Peer Review. If the manuscript passes the initial screening stage, it is assigned to two reviewers with expertise in the relevant field.
First Decision. A decision is made after the reviewers submit review reports in the journal systems. At this stage, a manuscript can either be rejected, require minor or major revision, or be accepted as is. Manuscript without any revision will be directly accepted and the author will receive a Letter of Acceptance from the editor-in-chief.
Revision Stage. A manuscript that requires revision is returned to the submitting author, who will have up to three weeks to format and revise the manuscript.
Final Decision. At this stage, the revised manuscript is either accepted or rejected. This decision is based on whether the handling editor finds the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication.