Focus and Scope

Cyber Security dan Forensik Digital invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to the theme of Digital Forensics and Cyber Security, but is not limited to:

  1. Cyber Security
  2. Privacy
  3. Trust
  4. Digital Forensics
  5. Hacking
  6. Cyber Warfare
  7. Kriptografi
  8. Computational approaches to digital crime preventions
  9. Computer virology
  10. Crime scene imaging
  11. Criminal investigative criteria and standard of procedure on computer crime
  12. Cryptological techniques and tools for crime investigation
  13. Data carving and recovery
  14. Digital document examination
  15. Digital evidence
  16. Digital signal processing techniques for crime investigations
  17. Identity theft and biometrics
  18. Information warfare
  19. Machine learning, data mining, and information retrieval for crime prevention and forensics
  20. Malicious codes
  21. Network access control and intrusion detection
  22. Policy, standards, protocols, accreditation, certification, and ethical issues related to digital crime and forensics
  23. Practical case studies and reports, legislative developments, and limitations, law enforcement
  24. Small digital device forensics (cell phones, smartphone, PDAs, audio/video devices, cameras, flash drives, gaming devices, GPS devices, etc.)
  25. Steganography and steganalysis
  26. Terrorism knowledge portals and databases
  27. Terrorism related analytical methodologies and software tools;
  28. Terrorist incident chronology databases
  29. Watermarking for digital forensics.