Konstruksi Pembentukan Identitas Kampung Digital Samirono

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Endang Supriadi


This paper describes how identity construction carried out
by the Kampung DigitalSamirono communities that are part of
the Kampung Digital program. Because it Samirono village
which is known as the hometown of Javanese culture that still
retains the "KluwungBudaya Kampung" in the midst of
modernization today, and people are dynamic, creative,
innovative, and even has a rural and urban character. Samirono
communities who live in the era of modernization certainly will
make their identity is lost in the presence of the Kampung
Digital, but Samirono community can maintain their traditions
and identity in the presence of Kampung Digital. The presence of
the Kampung Digital is providing a new color for the people
Samirono, in which can`t be separated from the actors who
have the power in the formation of identity for the community
Samirono.the presence of the Kampung Digital community
Samirono have two different attitudes; First, accept that it is
representative of the Kampung Digital providers and
government programs. Second, consider the normal presence of
the Kampung Digital, because it only benefits one party only (no
monopoly) because there are interests that dominate in the
program. Then the actors in shaping the identity of the village
community Samirono authorities (government) and companies
(telkom).The government's role in disseminating the Kampung
Digital program in the villages especially Samirono and even
has the authority in the implementation of the program. Then
the role of the company positioned itself as superior to local
providers Samirono inferiority.Both are external factors that are
dominant in constructing identity Samirono villagers. Thus the
process of identity formation in SamironoKampung Digital is not
independent of external factors (providers and government),
then formed a values, norms, and customs of the people
Keywords: Community Samirono, Construction of Identity,
Kampung Digital.

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How to Cite
Supriadi, E. (2017). Konstruksi Pembentukan Identitas Kampung Digital Samirono. Jurnal Sosiologi Agama, 9(2), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.14421/jsa.2015.092-04