Mahmud Taymur was one of the founders of the Egyptian realistic short story, also known as Syaikh al-Qisasah alQashīrah. Remaining productive over a long life Taymur wrote extensive literary criticism and was the author of short stories, novellas, and plays totaling a score of volumes. Most notable for his skill in characterization, he achieved a literary eminence shared by few other Arabs of his generation in Cairo in 1947, and individual stories by him gave and appeared widely in English and European Anthologies. Taymur’s early works were influenced by Chekhov and Maupassant. His short stories of the 1920s and 1930s portrayed various social strata in Egypt. Taymur’s prose is marked by humanism and psychological subtlety. In the late 1930s and in the 1940s his prose was influenced by symbolism but after the revolutionary coup of 1952, Taymur’s works were predominantly realistic.
‘Abd al-Raziq, Muhammad Mahmud. 2006. Fannu Mu’āyasyati`lQishshah al-Qashīrah. Kairo: al-Hai`ah al-Mishriyyah al‘Āmmah li al-Kuttāb.
Al-Abyari, Fathi. 2000. Mahmūd Taymūr Rā`id al-Uqshūshah al‘Arabiyyah. Kairo: al-Dār al-Mishriyyah al-Lubnāniyyah.
Al-Maqdisi, Anis. 1978. Al-Funūn al-Adabiyyah wa A’lāmuha fi alNahdhah al-‘Arabiyyah al-Hadītsah. Beirut: Dār al-‘Ilmi lil Malāyīn.
Al-Qa`id, Yusuf. 2005. ’Abqariyyat al-Majhūd, Mandur Nāqidan li al- Qishshah wa al- Riwāyah. Kairo: al-Majlis al-A’lā li alS|aqāfah.
‘Ayyad, Syukri Muhammad. 1979. Al-Qishshah al-Qashīrah fī Mishra -Dirāsah fī Ta`shīli Fannin Adabiyyin-. Kairo: Dār alMa’rifah.
Brugman, J. 1984. An Introductin to The History of Modern Arabic Literature in Egypt. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Jibril, Muhammad. 1995. Ābā`u al-Sittīnāt Jailu Lajnah al-Nasyri li alJāmi’iyyīn. Kairo: Maktabatu Mishra.
Meisami, Julie Scott and Paul Starkey. 1998. Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature. London and New York: Routledge.
Taymūr, Mahmud. T.t. Hawwā` al-Khālidah. al-Jamamir: Maktabat al-Adab wa Mathba’atuha.
______. T.t. Salwā fī Mahabb al-Rīh. al-Jamamir: Maktabat al-Adab wa Mathba’atuha.
______. 1951. Syabāb wa Ghāniyāt. Kairo: Dāru Ihyā al-Kutub al‘Arabiyyah.
______. 1955. Sā`irūn. Kairo: Dār al-Hilāl.
______. 1950. Kullu ‘Ām wa Antum bi Khair. Kairo: Dār al-Ma’ārif bi Mishra.
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