Longing for Freedom in Sayyid Quthb’s Poem Akhi Anta Hurrun Waraa Al-Sudud





Sayyid Qutb, Egypt, Government, Poetry, Akhi Anta Hurrun Waraa Al-Sudud


A literary work is a repress entation of a character who lived in his time. A literary work usually represents the feelings and conditions of the writer at that time. Among the productive writers was Sayyid Quthb who had a balanced and adequate educational background, both in terms of religious and general education. Sayyid Qutb's life journey significantly changed his outlook. One of his experiences made him join a group to defend the rights of oppressed citizens. One form of his contribution to this cause was writing the poem "Akhi Anta Hurrun Waraa Al-Sudud" to commemorate the events at that time. This article discusses the biography, education, works, and an analysis of sixteen lines from Sayyid Quthb's poem "Akhi Anta Hurrun Waraa Al-Sudud".


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Author Biography

  • Basuni Imamuddin, University of Indonesia
    Work as a Lecturer at Arabic Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia


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How to Cite

Longing for Freedom in Sayyid Quthb’s Poem Akhi Anta Hurrun Waraa Al-Sudud. (2019). Sunan Kalijaga: International Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2(2), 263-282. https://doi.org/10.14421/skijic.v2i2.1484

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