Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif

EKSKLUSI ATAS NAMA KONSERVASI (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Sekitar/Dalam Kawasan Taman Nasional Ujungkulon Banten)


  • Eko Cahyono
    Staf Pengajar di Departemen Sains-Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (SKPM) Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA) Institute Pertanian Bogor.


Article Galley

Page: 210-245
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How to Cite

EKSKLUSI ATAS NAMA KONSERVASI (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Sekitar/Dalam Kawasan Taman Nasional Ujungkulon Banten). (2016). Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif, 8(1), 210-245. https://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/isoshum/sosiologireflektif/article/view/519


This paper elaborate on the issue of conservation, agrarian conflict and exclusion communities around / in the conservation area of the National Park Ujungkulon (TNUK) Banten. The issue of paradigm for governance natural resources is the source and root of behavior, policy, and conservation programs are iqnorance of rights, access, control and life space people around / in the conservation area. Then it will be explained why it matters and how exclusion processes occurred, and the reason and what the paradigm, what conditions pushed, contestation actors and interests and how the public response, and how its impact on society in surroundings. This paper concludes with a reflection on the state of denial over its natural resources and agrarian resources themselves.