Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020)
The Big Other Gender, Patriarki, dan Wacana Agama dalam Karya Sastra Nawāl Al-Sa'dāwī
Abstract Viewed = 1197 times | PDF downloaded = 1574 times -
Kodrat Perempuan dan Al-Qur’an dalam Konteks Indonesia Modern: Isyarat dan Persepsi
Abstract Viewed = 3141 times | PDF downloaded = 1511 times -
Poligami dalam Hermeneutika Feminis Amina Wadud
Abstract Viewed = 2566 times | PDF downloaded = 2477 times TELAAH KRITIS POLIGAMI DALAM ISLAM PERSPEKTIF HERMENEUTIKA FEMINISME AMINA WADUD downloaded = 0 times -
Disrupsi Seksualitas Feminis: Meninjau Pelecehan dan Kekerasan Perempuan Pada Praktik Adat Sifon Masyarakat Suku Atoin Meto
Abstract Viewed = 1486 times | PDF downloaded = 2225 times -
Praktik Human Trafficking di Propinsi Jambi
Abstract Viewed = 676 times | PDF downloaded = 657 times -
Hegemoni Kesetaraan Gender Pada Film Kartini Karya Hanung Bramantyo
Abstract Viewed = 1619 times | PDF downloaded = 1378 times -
The Dynamics of Gender Equality: The Girls Ddi Mangkoso Islamic Boarding School in South Sulawesi
Abstract Viewed = 345 times | PDF downloaded = 436 times -
Menakar Keadilan Gender pada Penyelenggaraan Amal Usaha dan Ortom Muhammadiyah di Kabupaten Sikka
Abstract Viewed = 544 times | PDF downloaded = 626 times