Vol. 20 No. 1 (2021)
Perempuan dan Politik Industri Kreatif dalam Kerangka Pembangunan: Lesson Learned dari Indonesia dan Thailand
Abstract Viewed = 578 times |
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Poligami sebagai Perkawinan Abnormal: Kajian terhadap Syariat Islam
Abstract Viewed = 1037 times |
PDF downloaded = 914 times
Positioning Isu Disabilitas dalam Gerakan Gender dan Disabilitas
Abstract Viewed = 908 times |
PDF downloaded = 808 times
Eksploitasi Dan Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Dalam Konflik Suriah Pendekatan Hermeneutika Feminis Amina Wadud
Abstract Viewed = 903 times |
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Poligami dan Ketahanan Keluarga Masyarakat Aceh
Abstract Viewed = 554 times |
pdf downloaded = 585 times
The Niqab Among Pattani, Salafi, and Nahdliyin Students: Piety, Safety, and Identity
Abstract Viewed = 718 times |
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Kesetaraan Gender Dalam Pembaruan Hukum Keluarga Di Syria dan Indonesia
Abstract Viewed = 1096 times |
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Sexual Harassment In Education Institutions: College Students’ Sexually Abused Experience and Its Impact On Their Lives
Abstract Viewed = 537 times |
pdf downloaded = 706 times