E-Journal Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi


Konferensi Integrasi Interkoneksi Islam dan Sains


Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga mengundang seluruh civitas akademika, mahasiswa, dosen/ pengajar dan masyarakat umum untuk berpartisipasi dalam Konferensi Integrasi Interkoneksi Islam dan Sains ke-5, yang akan diselenggarakan secara virtual pada 4 Oktober 2022.

Integrasi dan interkoneksi Sains dan Islam ini dimaksudkan untuk memaparkan konsep keilmuan yang terpadu dan terkait antara keilmuan agama dengan keilmuan alam dengan harapan akan menghasilkan sebuah output yang seimbang etis filosofis. Dengan paradigma ini, UIN Sunan Kalijaga semakin menegaskan kepeduliannya terhadap perkembangan masyarakat muslim khususnya dan masyarakat umum pada umumnya.

Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga akan mengundang narasumber dari pakar keilmuan integrasi-interkoneksi islam dan sains dan mengangkat tema “Integrasi Data Sains dan Studi Agama di Era Pandemi”.


Kaunia: Integration and Interconnection Islam and Science Journal

Kaunia [P-ISSN 1829-5266 | E-ISSN 2962-2085] is published twice a year (April and October) by Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The journal publishes original research papers and review articles covering all aspects of chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, engineering, and their integration with Islamic sciences. Manuscripts are judged based on their contributions to original data and ideas or interpretation. All articles are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers in the field of the submitted paper. Manuscripts submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or be under consideration elsewhere.

JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga)

JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), abbreviated as JISKa, has been published by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, since May 2016. JISKa serves as a platform for the publication of research findings from lecturers, researchers, students, and practitioners in the fields of Informatics, Computer Science, and Information Technology. The journal is published three times a year, in January, May, and September. Until 2024, each issue consisted of seven articles. However, beginning with Volume 10 (January 2025), JISKa publishes ten articles per issue. All articles are open access.

This journal has been accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Sinta 3 from Volume 6 No 1 January 2021 until Volume 10 No 3 September 2025  according to the decree, SK NOMOR 79/E/KPT/2023 and its certificate. The current Sinta Google Citation and h-index are 1724 and 19, respectively. The journal has also been indexed by DOAJ, Dimensions (citations: 193 and mean: 0.97), Crossref, ResearchGate, Garuda, scite.ai (citations: 383), Scilit and Moraref (M3). Please open the link on the Indexing menu to see the impact of articles that published by JISKa.

JISKa opens the opportunity to receive articles any time either in Indonesian or English. Please register account and download the JISKa template file for submitting articles to JISKa. Each article will be reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers with a single blind review method, where the reviewer can find out the identity of the author but the articles authors cannot find out who is the reviewer. The rules and examples of writing details can be seen in the Jiska template file. Until now, JISKa only uses the MS DOC / DOCX format for article submission. JISKa does not charge publication fees nor submission fees.


Indonesian Journal of Material Chemistry is a publisher that focuses on theoretical and experimental studies reporting on new understandings, applications, properties and synthesis of materials. This journal expects to be a journal with a strong history of publishing quality reports in an interdisciplinary community and providing efficient and continuous service through peer review and publication. This journal generally discusses the applications of materials in sustainable energy, biology, medicine, optical, magnetic and electronic equipment.

Jurnal Bakti Saintek: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi

Jurnal Bakti Saintek: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi contains original research about the results of community service activities. The community service activities include the implementation of research results, the application of appropriate technology, the dissemination of innovations, conceptual ideas, study and application of theory, and the development of community empowerment models; in the fields of science and technology and based on Islamic values.

Cyber Security dan Forensik Digital

Cyber Security dan Forensik Digital (CSFD), published by Center of Cyber Security Sunan Kalijaga, Faculty of Science and Technology - UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This journal published twice a year, May and November,  in the fields of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics.

This journal has been accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Sinta 4 from Volume 5 No 2 November 2022 until Volume 10 No 1, May 2027. according to the decree, SK NOMOR 152/E/KPT/2023.  Click here to download the latest Sinta Certificate.

You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Template format. The guidelines for submission via OJS can be found Here.

IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development)

IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development)

IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development) is a biannual peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta-Indonesia in June and December. The journal welcomes contributions of innovative and not previously published works in subjects covered by the Journal from scholars of related disciplines.

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries

About the Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries

JIEHIS is an international journal in the field of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries. This journal is an open access journal and published by the Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

Journal Title : Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries
E-ISSN 2722-8142
P-ISSN 2722-8150
Editor-in-chief : Dr. Khusna Dwijayanti
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Department, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, INDONESIA
Frequency : 2 issues per year
Format paper
: Google Scholar, Garuda, DOAJ
: previous template paper, as per 1 June 2024 we change to the new template paper.
: JIEHIS submission guidelineOJS 3 submission guideline


Focus and Scope

JIEHIS aims to improve the academic atmosphere in the publication of scientific papers in industrial engineering and halal issues in the industrial world. This journal is open for publics, researchers, students, lecturers and academics staffs from all countries.

We cover wide range areas within Industrial and Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge including work design and measurement, operation research and analysis, engineering economic analysis, facilities engineering and energy management, quality and reliability engineering, ergonomics and human factors, operations engineering and management, supply chain management, engineering management, safety, information engineering, design and manufacturing engineering, product design and development, system design engineering, and other related topic.

Futher topics related to halal industries are very welcome.

Keywords: industrial engineering, halal, halal industries, manufacturing, engineering design, industrial management

Peer Review Process

JIEHIS puts effort to present papers that provide great contribution to the field of industrial engineering and halal industries. Thus, to ensure the quality of published paper JIEHIS performs a rigid measurement and involves experts and specialists in industrial engineering and halal industries.

Submitted manuscripts are reviewed using double-blind peer review. This method guarantees both author and reviewer's identity and it will prevent the reviewer forming any bias.

We must inform to all authors that the average number of weeks between article submission & publication is 5 weeks.

Further information about JIEHIS, policies, and direction to the submission can be found in the journal policies menu.

Bioveritas Journal of Biology

Journal Title Bioveritas Journal of Biology
ISSN 2830-3563
DOI Prefix Prefix 10.36597 by Crossref
Editor in Chief Ika Nugraheni Ari Martiwi
Publisher Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Frequency Two issues per year (March and October)
Citation Analysis Sinta | Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimension

Bioveritas Journal of Biology is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing novel research on the advancement of tropical biology in Indonesia.

We invite authors to submit articles in the fields. It publishes original scientific work related to a diverse range of fields in Indonesian tropical biodiversity, functional biology,  ethnobiology, biotechnology, ecology, and conservation.

The journal invites research articles, short communication, and reviews concerning biodiversity in Indonesia on the following subjects:

  • Descriptive and analytical studies of genetic, species, and community diversity

  • Ecological and conservation studies

  • Utilisation of tropical organisms in biotechnology

  • Novel methods for studying biodiversity

  • Etnobotany and etnozoology

  • Bioinformatics

Manuscripts that are not in accordance with the subjects will not be considered to be published. We also discourage manuscripts written by a single author.

Journal Thumbnail

Sunan Kalijaga Journal of Physics

Title Sunan Kalijaga Journal of Physics
Abbreviation S. K. J. Phys.
Initials SKJP
Scope See Scope
Business Model Open Access   & Author Pay
Frequency 2 issues per year
Type of Review Single Blind Review
Online ISSN 2715-0402
Print ISSN  
Editors Editors
License CC-BY-SA
Publisher Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Organized Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Citation Analysis Scopus  | Dimensions |  Google Scholar   | Web of Science | Sinta
Metrics Authors Diversity | Visitors Statistics
Social Media Youtube Channel | Twitter | Instagram
Sponsorships See Sponsor




Sunan Kalijaga Journal of Physics (SKJP) is peer-reviewed journal published twice a year by the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta-Indonesia.

SKJP publishes original research articles on all the major, also the branches of physics disciplines and related interdisciplinary areas, be it fundamental or applied. The journal will cover theoretical, computational as well as experimental research.

The scope of the journal covers the following topics: • Acoustics • Atomic and molecular physics • Biological physics and nanoscience • Chemical physics • Condensed matter physics • Fluids and plasmas • Geophysics • Instruments and instrumentation • Lasers, optics and photonics • Materials physics • Mathematical physics • Medical Physics • Nanoscience & nanotechnology • Nonlinear science • Nuclear Physics and Cosmology • Particle and high energy physics • Physics of complex systems • Quantum information • Quantum physics • Statistical physics.