Metode Live forensic adalah analisis data yang berjalan langsung pada bagian Random Access Memory. Tempat penyimpana sementara disebut juga Random Access Memory, data yang ada tersimpan di dalam Random Access Memory sifatnya adalah volatile atau mudah menghilang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini akan mendapatkan hasil bukti berupa digital melalui cara analisis bukti digital pada random access memory pada smartphone android pelaku dan smartphone korban menggunakan metode live forensic dalam kasus penjualan senjata illegal. Pada penelitian barang bukti digital yang disita berupa smartphone pelaku maupun smartphone korban. Korban diposisi sebagai mahasiswa yang ditawari untuk membeli senjata ilegal oleh pelaku. Metode analisis data yang dilakukan menggunakan metode NIST (National Institute Of Standart Technology) yang memiliki langkah-langkah analisis berupa preservation, acquisition, examination, analysis dan reporting. Data yang diambil dari random access memory berupa log file telephone, sms, dan data dari whatsapp. FTK (Forensic Tool Kit) digunakan untuk mencari bukti-bukti digital kejahatan penjualan senjata illegal. Hasilnya berupa bukti kejahatan yang telah dihapus oleh pelaku, antara lain bukti log telephone, sms, chat whatsapp, dan file gambar berekstensi .jpg. Memtools sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan data dari random access memory secara menyeluruh.
Kata kunci: Live Forensik, Digital Forensik, Random Access Memory
Live forensic method is data analysis that runs directly on the Random Access Memory section. Temporary storage places are also called Random Access Memory, the data stored in Random Access Memory is volatile or easily disappears. The purpose of this research is to obtain digital evidence through digital evidence analysis on random access memory on the perpetrators 'android smartphones and victims' smartphones using the live forensic method in the case of illegal weapons sales. In the study of digital evidence seized in the form of a perpetrator's smartphone and the victim's smartphone. The victim is positioned as a student who was offered to buy illegal weapons by the perpetrator. The method of data analysis is carried out using the NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology) method which has analysis steps in the form of preservation, acquisition, examination, analysis and reporting. Data taken from random access memory in the form of log files telephone, sms, and data from whatsapp. The FTK (Forensic Tool Kit) is used to look for digital evidence of the crime of selling illegal weapons. The result is evidence of crime that has been deleted by the perpetrators, including evidence of telephone logs, sms, chat whatsapp, and image files with the extension .jpg. Memtools are very useful for getting data from random access memory as a whole.
Keywords: Live forensics, Digital Forensics, Random Access Memory

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