pitch analysis, audio forensics, digital evidenceAbstract
Teknologi informasi dan komputer terus berkembang dan telah dimanfaatkan secara luas maupun mendalam. Komputer/digital forensik merupkan aplikasi dari teknologi komputer untuk pembuktian hukum terkait dengan kejahatan berteknologi tinggi hingga bisa mendapatkan bukti bukti digital untuk menjerat para pelaku kejahatan. Wilayah forensik digital cukup luas karena jenis dari konten digital itu sendiri ada banyak, seperti website, email, gambar, audio, video, dan lain-lain. Pada kasus pidana maupun perdata diperlukan barang bukti, salah satunya adalah barang bukti digital/ elektronik. Barang bukti berupa audio recorder yang menghasilkan rekaman suara pembicaraan seseorang dengan orang lain merupakan salah satu barang bukti elektronik. Bukti rekaman suara melalui pemeriksaan audio forensik dapat diketahui identitasnya dengan metode komparasi. Metode ini membandingkan suara didalam rekaman barang bukti dengan suara yang direkam sebagai pembanding. Jika hasilnya identik maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa rekaman barang bukti berasal dari pemilik suara pembanding. Analisa pitch didasarkan pada kalkulasi statistik nilai pitch dari masing-masing suara unknown (Suara Asli) dan known (Suara Asli dengan Voice Changer). Berdasarkan eksperimen yang telah dilakukan pada contoh 20 kata yang diucapkan ditemukan perbedaan nilai analisis statistik pitch dari rekaman suara asli dengan suara yang diberikan voice changer.
Kata kunci: analisis pitch, audio forensik, bukti digital.
Information technology and computers continue to evolve and have been widely and deeply utilized. Computer / digital forensics are applications from computer technology for legal evidence related to high-tech crimes to being able to obtain digital evidence to ensnare criminals. The area of digital forensics is quite extensive because there are many types of digital content, such as websites, e-mails, images, audio, video, and others. In both criminal and civil cases evidence is required, one of which is digital / electronic evidence. Evidence in the form of an audio recorder which produces a voice recording of a person's conversation with another is one of the electronic evidence. The identity of recorded sound through audio forensic examination can be identified by means of a comparison method. This method compares the sound in the recorded evidence with the sound recorded for comparison. If the results are identical, it can be concluded that the recorded evidence comes from the owner of the comparator vote. Pitch analysis is based on statistical calculation of the pitch value of each of the unknown (Original Voices) and known (Original Voices with Voice Changer) voices. Based on experiments that have been carried out on examples of 20 spoken words, it is found that there is a difference in the value of the pitch statistical analysis of the original voice recording with the voice given by the voice changer.
Keywords: pitch analysis, audio forensics, digital evidence.
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