Physical and Milling Quality of Milled Rice in Indonesia


  • Mahargono Kobarsih Assessment Institutes for Agricultural Technology of Yogyakarta
  • Siti Dewi Indrasari Assessment Institutes for Agricultural Technology of Yogyakarta



physical quality, milling quality, milled rice, Indonesia


More than 250 rice varieties are grown in Indonesia from new superior varieties and local varieties with aromatic, non-aromatic aromas and pigmented rice. Rice quality is one factor that must be considered in addition to high productivity. Generally, the quality of grain and rice quality in Indonesia have met the quality standards set based on SNI 0224-1987/SPI-TAN/01/01/1993 and SNI 6128:2020. Ricequality is determined by several factors such as grain appearance, nutritional value, cooking and eating quality and become one of the foremost considerations for rice buyers. Such information can be utilized as basic data of character of genetic resources on assembling of new superior varieties by rice breeders. Those information can be used as a descriptive information for farmers and rice productivity, high yield, and better rice quality. Good quality local cultivar can be used as parents for the formation of new superior varieties.


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How to Cite

Kobarsih, M. ., & Indrasari, S. D. (2021). Physical and Milling Quality of Milled Rice in Indonesia. Kaunia: Integration and Interconnection Islam and Science Journal, 17(2), 33–40.


