Analisis Kesejahteraan Hewan dan Status Halal Daging Kultur Laboratorium dalam Perspektif Iptek dan Hukum Islam
Halal, Laboratory-cultured meat, Stem celAbstract
The demand for meat continues to increase along with the increase in population. This triggers the emergence of land availability issues and environmental problems. The development of increasingly advanced technology has given rise to new ideas related to alternatives to fulfilling meat needs, namely making culture-based meat in the laboratory. This research was conducted to reveal how the perspective of Islamic law and scientific and technological progress point towards laboratory-cultured meat as a substitute for conventional meat. The method used in this research is a literature review method in national and international journals that discuss laboratory-cultured meat in perspective of science and technology and Islamic law with analog meat as an exclusion, which limits this research. Based on analysis from several journals, it was concluded that laboratory-cultured meat is considered a promising innovation for the future, and the halal status of laboratory-cultured meat depends on the source and method of obtaining stem cell source. The laboratory-cultured meat is said halal if the stem cells come from animals that are halal and slaughtered in the name of Allah, and are said to be haram if the stem cells come from living animals and unclean
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