Fungsi Filsafat Hukum dalam Pembentukan Hukum di Indonesia
Philosophy of Law seeks to examine ideas about the law that already exists oris to be held (legal establishment), see coherence, correspondence and legal functions are
created,. Relation to Philosophy of Law against the legal establishment in Indonesia,
that the Philosophy of Law was instrumental in shaping the direction of democratic law,
leads to the essential needs of the community. The function of the national law is to
protect, then change the law or the establishment of Indonesia must go through the
process of Legal Philosophy, in which is able to direct and accommodate the needs of law
in accordance with the progress of development in all fields, were also able to meet the
diverse needs of the wider community, which established the rules for the game of life.
Law established to regulate the behavior of members of the public. Most importantly,
legally constituted as a fulfillment of a sense of justice for the wider community,
regardless of race, class, ethnicity, party, religious, or other discrimination in the
framework bhineka tunggal ika.
Abdul Ghofur Anshori, Menggali Makna Sistem Hukum Dalam Rangka
Pembangunan Ilmu Hukum Dan Sistem Hukum Nasonal, Orasi Ilmiah
Dies Natalis Fakultas Hukum UGM Ke-62 Tahun 2008.
Abdul Ghofur Anshori, Filsafat Hukum, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada
University Press, cet. Kedua, 2009.
Abdul Ghofur Anshori, 2011, Filsafat Hukum Hibah dan Wasiat di Indonesia,
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Abdul Ghofur Anshori, Materi Kuliah Filsafat Hukum pada Program Pasca
Sarjana Magister Hukum Universitas Janabadra Yogyakarta Tahun 2011.
Dardji Darmodihardjo, Pokok-pokok Filsafat Umum, Apa dan Bagaimana
Filsafat Hukum Indonesia, Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama,
Jujun S. Suriasumantri, Filsafat Ilmu Sebuah Pengantar Populer, Jakarta:
Pustaka Sinar Harapan, cetakan keenam belas, 2003.
Ketetapan MPRS Nomor XIX/MPRS/1966 tentang Peninjauan Kembali
Produk-produk Legislatif Negara Diluar Produk MPRS Yang Tidak
Sesuai Dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.
Ketetapan MPRS Nomor XX/MPRS/1966 tentang Memorandum DPRGR Mengenai Sumber Tertib Hukum Republik Indonesia dan Tata
Urutan Peraturan Perundangan Republik Indonesia.
Ketetapan MPRS Nomor XX/MPRS/1966 tentang Memorandum DPRGR Mengenai Sumber Tertib Hukum Republik Indonesia dan Tata
Urutan Peraturan Perundangan Republik Indonesia.
Ketetapan MPRS Nomor XXXIX/MPRS/1968 tentang Pelaksanaan
Ketetapan MPRS Nomor XIX/MPRS/1966 tentang Peninjauan
Kembali Produk-produk Legislatif Negara Diluar Produk MPRS
Yang Tidak Sesuai Dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945