Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Pemilu Legislatif oleh Badan Pengawas Pemilu (BAWASLU) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Tahun 2014
The general election is a manifestation of the people’s softreight in order toproduce a democratic goverment, elections that are direct, general, free, confidential,
honest and fair can only be realized if the election management has high integrity and
understand and respect the civil and political rights of citizens. Weak election
potentially undermined qualified election organizers have a duty to hold elections by
institutional national, permanent and independent. One of the importan factors for the
success of election it self, the election commission, ellaction watchdog, and honorary board
of election. Superfysory role of the comitte in general election by country or city low
organizing elections, over seeing in the implementation stage of the election in the regency
or city which includes, receving reports of alleged violations of the laws and the
implementation of the election law, and report the findings resolve election disputes
contain no element of crime, deliver and report finding to the commition for the country
or city followd up, forward and report finding that are not its responsibility to the
otorities to submit a report to the election Supervisory Body Relating to the alleged
actions which resulted in disruption of the implementetion stage of elections by electoral
administration in country or city level
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