
  • Widha Sinulingga Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga




Policy (discretion) is needed to overcome rapid changes. In the
application of discretion of public officials, it is often considered to violate the
law and be identified as criminal. While on the other hand, this kind of policy
is needed, in times of emergency, so that it makes a blunder of officials. This
paper attempts to look at how the legal position of discretion in government
administration is. The results of this writing are that the legal position of
discretion in the administration of government is an "exception" from the
principle of legality (wet matigheid van bestuur), which means that the state
administration is given the freedom to and on its own initiative to carry out
actions to resolve certain urgent problems and the settlement rules do not yet
exist, namely that they have not been made by the state body that is formally
assigned to formulate legislation.

Author Biography

  • Widha Sinulingga, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
    SUPREMASI HUKUM merupakan jurnal ilmiah dan media komunikasi ilmiah antar peminat ilmu hukum.


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How to Cite

TINJAUAN YURIDIS DISKRESI PEJABAT PUBLIK DALAM PENYELENGGARAAN PEMERINTAHAN. (2018). Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.14421/sh.v7i1.2034