Ali Sodiqin(1)
(1) Ushul Fikih


Islamic law, including divorce law, has a dialectical relationship with
the traditions of Arab society as its first recipient. Therefore, explaining
Islamic law must consider the historical and anthropological situation
Arab’s community in 7th century AD. The social structure, politics,
and economics of Arab society at that time had a strong influence for the
enforcement of Islamic law. Anthropologically, the differences of the rights
and obligations between husband and wife in the law of divorce was
inseparable from the dynamics of a growing cultural community. Islamic
law governs the conduct of divorce as it adjusts to the social conditions
of Arab society at the time. So the divorce legal texts in the Quran must
be explained by the socio-cultural context of the recipient. When the
socio-cultural is change, change of the law of divorce is permissible. The
substance of the law of divorce in Islam is to place the divorced parties
(husband and wife) to be equal, ie, have the same rights and obligations.
The difference in the rights and obligations of husband and wife found
in texts of Islamic law due to the efforts of adoption, adaptation, and
integration of the revelation of the Qur’an with the traditions of Arab
society. In the context of socio-cultural system now, can be a medium
for constructing the divorce laws in Islamic law towards social justice.

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Ali Sodiqin (Primary Contact)
REFORMASI AL-QUR’AN DALAM HUKUM PERCERAIAN: Kajian Antropologi Hukum Islam. (2014). Al-Mazaahib: Jurnal Perbandingan Hukum, 2(2).

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How to Cite

REFORMASI AL-QUR’AN DALAM HUKUM PERCERAIAN: Kajian Antropologi Hukum Islam. (2014). Al-Mazaahib: Jurnal Perbandingan Hukum, 2(2).