Frequency : 2 issues per year (June and December)
Article per issue : (5 articles and 1 book review) per issue since vol. 12 no. 1 2024
DOI : 10.14421/al-mazaahib
Language : English and Indonesia
First Print Publication : 2012
First Online Publication: 2017
Duration : Approx. 90 days to first decision
Audience : Legal scholars, Islamic Legal Scholars, Students, Practitioners
Al-Mazaahib: Jurnal Perbandingan Hukum (published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga) specializes in the study of legal comparison or legal thought which contains scientific works related to thoughts in the field of law (state), customary law, and Islamic law. The existence of the Al-Mazaahib is certainly very important in exploring, enriching, and developing legal thoughts and theories. Thus, Al-Mazaahib Journal will make a positive contribution in enriching the treasures of thought in the field of law, especially on state law, Islamic law and customary law. This journal seeks to present the various results of the latest research, both conceptual-doctrinal and empirical in the field. The editors of “Al-Mazaahib: Jurnal Perbandingan Hukum” welcome contributions in the form of articles to be published after undergoing a manuscript selection mechanism, double-blind peer-review, and editing process. The editors invite Islamic lawyers, scholar, researchers and jurists to write or disseminate research results relating to the issues of Islamic law as well as positive law. Article does not reflect editorial opinion.
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Current Issue
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): Al-Mazaahib
Upcoming Issue
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2025): Al-Mazaahib