AKIBAT HUKUM PEMBATALAN PERJANJIAN SECARA SEPIHAK: Analisis Yuridis Putusan Mahkamah Agung tentang Hutang atau Prestasi
to deal with the rights and obligations on the other, as well as relationship
in the law of agreement, whereby one party called the creditor and the
other is called the debtor. Each party has the right and obligation born
of the legal relationship, the achievements and accomplishments counter.
This paper analyzes the legal consequences of the agreement unilaterally
canceled as well as differences in the interpretation of the judge of the
achievements in the two different cases that the Supreme Court decision
No. 06 PK / N / 1999, concerning the bankruptcy case between Drs.
Sani Hussein and Johan Subekti against PT. Modern Land Reality
Ltd. and Decision MA No. 08 K / N / 2004 on the bankruptcy case
between PT. Prudential Life Assurance against Mr. Lee Boon Siong.
In agreement, obligatoir such as buy-sell agreement there is always an
obligation by one party is right and the obligation whose fulfillment can
be sued by the other party. Rights and obligations is exactly what then
is meant by achievement or debt that must be met by both the creditor
and the debtor. Civil Code provide some remedy which can be selected
by the parties in the event of a breach of the contract of sale, namely:
requesting execution of the agreement, demanding the cancellation of
the agreement, and requested damages including lost profits due to loss.
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