Kesadaran Gender Dalam Konteks Perguruan Tinggi: Kajian Kritis Atas Pemikiran Asghar Ali Engineer
Gender, Mahasiswa, Asghar Ali Engineer, PerempuanAbstract
- It would be natural if at this time, there were no more disparities in acces and participation for women in the world of education. But in reality, patriarchal values are still widely held by society and become an obstacle to gender awareness in various aspects of life. This study attempts to critically examine Asghar Ali Engineer’s thoughts on the interpretation of women offered, as a Islamic values for college students to face today’s life. In addition, the author attempts to formulate Asghar Ali Engineer’s thoughts as a perspective in understanding the issue of gender awareness in higher education. The approach used is this study uses an exploratory type that is qualitative-descriptive and has a pure research pattern. Looking at the current reality, there needs to be integration and interconnection between the problems today with the reading of several Islamic thinkers, one of which is Asghar Ali Engineer. The results obtained indicate that gender awareness in the world of higher education is better, but still needs to be optimized. The concept of gender justice put forward by Asghar Ali Engineer can be a kind of basis for improving and optimizing awareness of the importance of gender equality in the scope of students and universities.
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