The Role of the State in the Formation of Moderate Islam in Indonesia


  • Angga Yudhiyansyah



Moderate Islam, State, Indonesian Islam, Terrorism, Radicalism


This paper examines the role of state in shaping the notion of
moderate Islam in Indonesia within the context of responding to the
rise of terrorism. The aftermath of Suharto’s authoritarian regime,
Indonesia faces the threat of terrorist attacks from within and outside
the country span from 9/11 bombing in the US to Bali bombings.
Those aforementioned events have shaped the state behaviors toward
Islam in Indonesia. In this regard, the notion of moderate Islam is
more than just a theological or political preference. It is a notion that
emerges from the context of eradicating terrorist threat. This paper
argues that the massive events of terrorist attacks in home and abroad
have created condition where the state has come up with the notion
of moderate Islam not only as a means of inclusions for Muslim
groups but also to acquire “legitimacy” for the project of counter-
terrorism run by the state. Current studies on Islam and the state
have undermined the role of the state in appropriating the notion of
moderate Islam. Additionally, studies on Islam in Indonesia whether
it is seen as theological or political preferences is captured from below
meaning that Muslim society is conceived as such (radical, moderate,
conservative and so forth). This study investigates the state’s programs
such as Inter-religious dialogue, Seminars, establishing Muslim groups
of anti-terrorism, and issuing fatwa on terrorism by MUI.

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Jurnal Ilmiah Sosiologi Agama

The Role of the State in the Formation of Moderate Islam in Indonesia


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How to Cite

Yudhiyansyah, A. (2014). The Role of the State in the Formation of Moderate Islam in Indonesia. Jurnal Sosiologi Agama, 6(1).


