Struktur Waktu Religius dalam Kebudayaan Melayu Sungai Rokan


  • Junaidi Syam



concept of time, visual, dynamics of religiosity


The concept of “time” should be really crucial and strategic in
social science, culture and the humanities, because ‘time’ can influence
and change ideas and human actions, so cultural systems experience
dynamics as time goes. Inevitably, not aware or cognizant, the potency
and existence of the concept of time to engage naturally presents in
mondial life, supporting profane and religious activities for religious
theocentrists, anthropocentric belief, and for the atheist either. There
are three classifications of the concept of time. The first concept of time
that is believed is nothingness and shore less at the end; it is called
also as single time. The second concept of time is linear, that is the
time of being continuous walk and cannot be reversed, the back or
backward. The third concept of time is of a cycled time that continues
over and over as if appear lost, arising drowning, born and then death
and get reborn, stand up and collapse so endlessly. I try to make a
connotative interpretative model of visual of praying motion seen
in a structural model of cyclical time. I hope the effort of associative
exegesis become the manner or an instance of explaining how to work
the transformation of the nature of the unconscious mind with the
delineation of being logical, to understand the dynamics and dialectics
of religious activity of traditional society.

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How to Cite

Syam, J. (2014). Struktur Waktu Religius dalam Kebudayaan Melayu Sungai Rokan. Jurnal Sosiologi Agama, 6(1).


