Analyzing the Accuracy of Answer Sheet Data in Paper-based Test Using Decision Tree


data mining
decision tree
paper-based test

How to Cite

Suharto, E., Widodo, A. P., & Suryono, S. (2019). Analyzing the Accuracy of Answer Sheet Data in Paper-based Test Using Decision Tree. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 8(1), 1–7.


In education quality assurance, the accuracy of test data is crucial. However, there is still a problem regarding to the possibility of incorrect data filled by test taker during paper-based test. On the contrary, this problem does not appear in computer-based test. In this study, a method was proposed in order to analyze the accuracy of answer sheet filling out in paper-based test using data mining technique. A single layer of data comprehension was added within the method instead of raw data. The results of the study were a web-based program for data pre-processing and decision tree models. There were 374 instances which were analyzed. The accuracy of answer sheet filling out attained 95.19% while the accuracy of classification varied from 99.47% to 100% depend on evaluation method chosen. This study could motivate the administrators for test improvement since it preferred computer-based test to paper-based.


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