Focus and Scope

IJID is an open-access journal dedicated specifically to any publication in the area of informatics which covers the discipline of Computer Science, software engineering, information systems, information technology, and computer engineering. Our journal invites academicians, researchers, and practitioners to submit articles and reports that are the result of works, research, and studies oriented towards the application of information technology products for the development of society in general. IJID receives any article in the form of a pure research report, the technical report from on-field implementation experience, systematic literature review, opinion from experts, experienced practitioners, and leaders, and also counter-argument for a particular position.

As a media for disseminating new insight in the field of informatics for development, IJID receives articles with the following (but not limited to these) themes:

- Informatics and Community Development

- Informatics and Social Welfare

- Informatics and Society

- Informatics and Economy

- Informatics and Politics

- Informatics and Social Life

- Informatics and Culture

- Informatics and Security

- Informatics and Defence

- Informatics and Law

- Informatics and Religion

- Informatics and Spirituality

and other topics related to the analysis, design, construction, and implementation of hardware and software systems dedicated to the development of society in general.