https://doi.org/10.14421/ajbs.2024.080105الكلمات المفتاحية:
AI، Cyborg، Posthumanism، Moral Status، Sentienceالملخص
Superintelligence brings the latest discourse of posthumanism theory. In this sense, the researcher discussed posthumanism studies in M3GAN movie (2022). The study focused on the moral status of artificial intelligence assembled on robotic prototypes by humans, namely M3GAN. In other words, how is protocol system be implemented on M3GAN? Does M3GAN has moral status in suffering, pain, autonomy, interactivity, and adaptivity? How did the humans unveil the technology in this movie in the posthumanism era? This article used the posthumanism theory from Robert Pepperell to analyze and answer the research questions. In doing so, the method of the study used descriptive qualitative where the data was obtained from the dialog scene and the visual was taken by the screenshot which represented the analyzed result. The result of the study showed that M3GAN prototype artificial intelligence has moral status such as autonomy, interactivity, and suffering. It becomes a dystopian reality for the robotic creator. Furthermore, the ethics of artificial intelligence or superintelligence must be unveiled wisely in the implementation.
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